To address the opioid overdose crisis in the Tribal community of the Fairbanks North Star Borough of Alaska (FNSB), Fairbanks Native Association (FNA), has developed the Alaska Native Recovery Coaching (ARC) project. ARC will increase access to medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder (MOUD) and add Recovery Coaching to its existing opioid and recovery continuum of care for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN).
Escalating overdose death rates among AI/AN emphasize the need for tailored programs to address the opioid crisis. In 2021, Alaska experienced a 74% increase in the drug overdose death rate, the largest increase in the nation. Fentanyl overdose deaths more than doubled and the AI/AN overdose death nearly doubled. The AI/AN overdose death rate is the more than twice the state rate. AI/AN are an underserved and historically under-resourced population with higher socio-economic risk factors for OUD. The FNSB is included in the FY24 Tribal Opioid Response Grants Notice of Funding Opportunity Appendix B – List of Highest Overdose Mortality Counties.
Recovery support services decrease opioid relapse rates by providing continuous care and support, addressing the physical, psychological, and social aspects of addiction. ARC will improve the continuum of BHS opioid services through Recovery Coaching, harm prevention/reduction services, and service coordination. ARC will increase the number of individuals receiving MOUD and/or other substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and increase access to naloxone and other harm reduction services that decrease mortality from drug overdoses.
The goals of ARC are 1) improve OUD prevention services, 2) improve OUD harm prevention/reduction services and 3) increase recovery support services for OUD and COD. Outcomes include increased understanding of opioid and/or stimulant misuse, reduction in overdose deaths, increased access to treatment and retention in treatment, reduction in substance use, improvement in health and social functioning, reduction in criminal justice involvement, and increased & community engagement & outreach.
ARC will train peers, first responders, healthcare workers, school personnel, human services personnel, and other key Tribal members on the recognition of opioid overdose and appropriate use of opioid overdose reversal medications such as naloxone. ARC will also increase access to naloxone and fentanyl test strips to reduce the incidence of fatal overdoses. ARC Recovery Coaches will assist AI/AN to initiate, stabilize, and maintain long-term SUD recovery. ARC will provide Recovery Coaching to 20 additional clients per year and harm reduction services (naloxone, fentanyl test strips, and opioid training) to a minimum of 20 individuals per year. The Project Director will train a minimum of 25 individuals per year (peers, first responders, other healthcare workers, school personnel, human services personnel, and other key Tribal members) on the recognition of opioid overdose and appropriate use of opioid overdose reversal medications such as naloxone.