Chickaloon Native Village (CNV) has been a federally recognized Tribal government since 1973 and is
governed by Chickaloon Village Traditional Council (CVTC). CNV is located within the Matanuska-Susitna
Borough (MSB) with 26,340 individuals in the Chickaloon Alaska Native Village Statistical Area (ANVSA).
This area includes Palmer, Butte, Sutton, Chickaloon, and Glacier View, Alaska (U.S. Census 2022). CNV, in
partnership with the C’eyiits’ Hwnax (Life House) Clinic and South-Central Foundation (SCF), is the only
local healthcare and social service provider for the communities of Sutton, Chickaloon, and Glacier View, and
provides services for Indian Health Services (HIS) and non-IHS beneficiaries. CVTC recognizes that the health
and wellbeing of CNV Tribal citizens directly correlates to the wellness of others in the entire rural community.
CVTC’s mission focuses on offering all services to CNV’s entire ANVSA community regardless of Tribal
citizenship, affiliation, race, or ethnicity. No one is rejected from TOR Program case management, care, or
resources for an inability to maintain long-term sobriety. Therefore, this program will provide support to any
community member desiring to recover from Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), Opioid Misuse Disorder (OMD) or
Substance Use Disorder (SUD).