Centerstone’s Wellness on Wheels (C-WoW) will take a syndemic approach to providing portable clinical care focused on integrating low barrier substance use disorder (SUD) treatment; HIV and other infectious diseases/conditions testing and treatment; mental health care; and harm reduction services for an unduplicated total of 300 individuals experiencing unsheltered homelessness in rural DeSoto and non-rural Manatee counties, Florida, across the 3-year project period (Y1: 60; Y2: 110; Y3: 130).
Demographics and clinical characteristics of focus population individuals will mirror those of the unsheltered population in Florida’s Continua of Care (CoCs) 500 and 517 serving catchment area counties, with 49% male, 51% female, 75% White, 24% Black, and 37% Hispanic individuals. Based on the FL-500/517 CoCs, C-WoW’s subpopulations are expected to include 242 racial/ ethnic minorities; 67 sexual/gender minorities; and 28 Veterans. Rates of health/behavioral conditions among focus populations are higher than catchment area individuals: HIV (0.5% vs. 0.3%, respectively), hepatitis C (22% vs. 0.04%), chlamydia (7% vs. 0.4%), and serious mental illness (14% vs. 6%). Co-occurring HIV and mental illness are expected among 50% of the focus population, and nearly 12% will experience SUD. Opioid misuse contributes to HIV prevalence, with nearly 17% of those who are HIV positive having had injected drugs.
C-WoW’s evidence-based strategies/interventions include the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s Homeless Health Outreach and Mobile Engagement (HHOME) program, SAMHSA’s TIP 59: Improving Cultural Competence, and SAMHSA’s Harm Reduction Framework to guide overall activities; on-site Intensive Case Management, Motivational Interviewing, and SOAR; facility-based Community-Friendly Healthy Recovery Program; and other facility-based interventions at Centerstone available to C-WoW participants per their goals/ needs (e.g., Medication Assisted Treatment, Hazelden’s Co-Occurring Disorders Program, Whole Health Action Management, DIMENSIONS). C-WoW’s goals include: 1) Implement a pilot project for underserved populations experiencing unsheltered homelessness through the provision of portable clinical care, focused on the integration of behavioral health and HIV treatment and prevention services; 2) Develop/implement system capacity building activities to enhance and sustain project services; 3) Increase on-site point of care for the focus population; 4) Decrease barriers to care for the focus population; and 4) Develop/disseminate a documented service model/pilot program for replication/adoption. C-WoW’s measurable participant-related objectives include conducting screenings/assessments and/or testing for HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), Mpox, tuberculosis, SUD/COD, and other mental health conditions; developing Individual Treatment and Service Plans; and providing case management, care coordination, linkage to services for 300 individuals. For 100% of participants per their needs/goals, C-WoW will provide on-site low-barrier SUD treatments, including FDA-approved medications, primary care health services, and infectious disease services; linkages to housing resources; and transportation to infectious disease treatment/vaccination and to PrEP/PEP, SUD/COD/mental health treatment, primary care treatment services, Mpox, and recovery support services. C-WoW will increase access to trauma-informed, culturally responsive, integrated mental healthcare services among 80% and to harm reduction education, supplies, and other related services among 100% of participants. Additional objectives include training 50 Centerstone/project staff and other providers in SUD/co-occurring disorders identification, culturally-/linguistically-appropriate care, harm reduction, HIV/infectious disease treatment/prevention, etc. and establishing an Advisory Council comprising 20% focus population/individuals with lived experience.