Project Abstract:
Project Title: SCF TOR Benteh Nuutah Four Directions
Applicant Name: Southcentral Foundation
Address: 4501 Diplomacy Drive, Anchorage, AK 99508
Organizational Overview: Southcentral Foundation (SCF) is an Alaska Native 501(c) (3) nonprofit health care organization established under the Tribal authority of Cook Inlet Region, Inc. in 1982. SCF's vision is "A Native Community that enjoys physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness." To reach this vision, SCF is committed to addressing the devastating impact of opioid use disorder and other substance abuse in our communities.
Project Need: Alaska has seen a 38% annual increase in overdose deaths based on preliminary 2023 data, with 75% of all the opioid overdose deaths involving Fentanyl. Under these crisis conditions, there are few service providers like SCF that can address the full continuum of care, with culturally appropriate services, SUD, and MOUD treatment in the MSB.
Population of Focus: The population of focus for the proposed project is adult residents of the MSB and northern Anchorage Municipality, including Alaska Native and American Indian adults who are experiencing opioid use disorder and other substance misuse.
Proposed Project: The goal of the SCF TOR Benteh Nuutah Four Directions proposal is to reduce unmet treatment needs and opioid overdose-related deaths in the MSB and the northern MOA through the provision of treatment services and the implementation of harm prevention/reduction services for opioid use disorder and other substance use disorders by increasing access to culturally appropriate and evidence-based treatment, including medications for addiction treatment.
Two Chosen Required Categories: (Treatment and Harm Prevention/Reduction):
Treatment: Implement outpatient service delivery models that enable the full spectrum of trauma-informed treatment and recovery support services that facilitate positive treatment outcomes and long-term recovery from opioid and stimulant use disorders.
Objective 1: Provide a continuum of services in the MSB and northern MOA that is age-and gender-appropriate, patient-centered, community focused, and culturally competent to a minimum of 40 unduplicated adults in year 1, 50 in year 2, 60 in year 3, 70 in year 4, and 80 in year 5.
• Provide a robust tele-behavioral health service option and learning circles to increase the capacity to support MOUD/stimulant use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery.
• Provide Medical-Assisted Treatment, Medicated Opioid Use Disorder treatment, Substance Abuse Treatment, Crisis Intervention, Trauma Informed individual and family therapy, and Integrated Case Management.
• Provide the SCF “Path to Healthy Living Plan” culturally appropriate and evidence-based model of care for recovery.
• Provide transport for those needing assistance to attend treatment or learning circles.
• Educate community health and social service providers on referrals and the Path to Healthy Living Plan Model of treatment.
• Collect GPRA survey and data for reporting and analysis.
• Provide community-based support and education groups for family members struggling with SUD using evidence.
Harm Prevention/Reduction: Implement harm prevention/reduction services.
Objective 2: Increase access by 75% through the Benteh Nuutah Four Directions clinic to harm prevention and reduction services during the 5-year project period to help support the reduction of fatal overdose events in the MSB and northern MOA.
• Purchase and distribute Naloxone, Xylazine and other opioid overdose reversal medications to reduce the incidence of fatal overdoses.
• Purchase and distribute drug checking supplies, including Fentanyl and Xylazine testing strips, as guided by SAMHSA.
• Purchase and distribute other supplies, such as lock bags, to enhance harm reduction efforts.
• Utilize staff members to annually attend MSB area events.