The Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) is applying on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia to continue its State Opioid Response (SOR) program. Virginia spans approximately 40,000 square miles and is comprised of 38 independent cities and 95 counties, with 90 incorporated towns. Generally, 39 Community Services Boards (CSBs), one Behavioral Health Authority, and nine state hospitals serve Virginians with complex and significant serious mental illness, substance use disorders, serious emotional disturbance, and individuals with developmental disabilities. CSBs are codified as the "single point of entry" into Virginia's publicly funded behavioral health system. CSBs provide prescreening services for admission into state hospitals and prescreening for temporary detention order (TDO) admission into other inpatient settings. They are the sole providers of discharge planning from Virginia’s psychiatric facilities. DBHDS’ SOR Program provides funding a variety of community-based and faith-based organizations, such as universities, free clinics, Federally Qualified Health Clinics, state government, etc. DBHDS is requesting $27,332,465 for each of the three years of the project period.