Riverside San-Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc. (RSBCIHI) is the largest tribal health organization in California. During our five (5) year 2024 TOR program, we will screen 12,000 patients for non-medical drug use. We will purchase intensive outpatient (IOP), residential, and recovery housing for 65 OUD/STUD patients. We will deliver outpatient treatment to 215 STUD patients. We will train 500 community members on the use of naloxone and deliver prevention education to 2,500 community members.
We deliver primary (family, general, and pediatric) medical, pharmacy, laboratory, eye care, dental, behavioral health, outreach, and support services. Our U.S. Indian Health Service (IHS) designated geographic catchment area includes Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in Southern California and nine (9) federally recognized Indian reservations. This service area is home to 100,615 American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) people (U.S. Census Bureau, 2020). We have 39,515 registered AI/AN patients (IHS, 2023). We also serve non-AI/AN family and community members. To serve this population, we operate six (6) health centers located on Indian reservations (Cahuilla, Morongo, Pechanga, Santa Rosa, Soboba, and Torres-Martinez), and two (2) located in urban areas near reservations (Barstow and San Manuel).
During our 2018, 2020, and 2022 TOR programs, we screened an average of 12,192 youth and adult patients each year for non-medical drug use. We delivered purchased care services (IOP, residential, and/or recovery housing) to 89 OUD and/or STUD patients. We delivered outpatient OUD/MAT services to 140 patients. We trained 2,631 individuals on the use of naloxone and distributed 1,285 Narcan kits. We delivered prevention education to 7,055 youth and adult community members. Starting in 2020, we delivered outpatient treatment services to 133 STUD patients. We currently have six (6) patients in purchased IOP, residential treatment, and/or recovery housing. We also currently have 16 active STUD patients in our outpatient treatment program. We have 18 inactive STUD patients who need follow-up services.
We will start the 2024 TOR program with two (2) existing TOR staff members and five (5) MAT-PDOA staff members and will deliver services by day one (1) of the award. Our goals are to: 1) Build capacity to address the substances affecting our communities, 2) Deliver evidence-based treatment and recovery support services, 3) Deliver effective and culturally appropriate prevention services, 4) Deliver effective harm reduction services, and 5) Measure our performance to determine whether we are achieving our goals, objectives, and outcomes.
We will achieve the following measurable objectives (each year):
• Screen 2,400 unduplicated youth and adult patients in our medical, dental, eye care, and behavioral health departments for non-medical drug use with the DAST-10.
• Deliver purchased care services (intensive outpatient, residential treatment, and/or recovery housing) to at least 13 OUD and/or STUD.
• Deliver outpatient treatment services to 30 STUD patients.
• Deliver recovery support (case management, peer support, counseling, and/or recovery housing) to 43 OUD and/or STUD patients.
• Complete GPRA/SPARS for 43 patients.
• Deliver culturally oriented prevention activities to at least 500 youth and adult community members.