As a qualified local government behavioral health authority and SAMHSA provider with 56 years of proven expertise serving the populations of focus in North Mississippi, the North Mississippi Commission on Mental Illness/Mental Retardation d.b.a. Communicare and Designated Collaborative Organizations (DCOs) will transform and advance SBIRT services by embedding SBIRT into daily treatment and training DCOs on the benefits and use of SBIRT. Name: Communicare SBIRT. Populations served: Children, youth, and young adults ages 12-21 who are at risk of a substance use disorder living in Calhoun, Lafayette, Marshall, Panola, Tate, and Yalobusha Counties. Health care access will be prioritized for racial, ethnic and LGBTQI+ underserved minorities: 50% Male; 49% Female; 1% Transgender; 50% African American; 2% Hispanic/Latinx; 1% Multiracial; 2% veterans/ armed forces; 2% HIV+/Hepatitis+ and 45% COD. Strategies: 1) Implement SBIRT screening/assessment into all aspect of health care within the agency and throughout the community 2) Provide short course and log course brief intervention to youth and young adults up to 21 when screening positive on a screener/assessment. 3) provide training to community partner about the benefits of SBIRT and how to implement them in their practice. 4) Provide recovery peer support services to individual who screen positive. 5) Provide wraparound service to individuals for appropriate resource connection. 6) Provide suicide screening and referral to treatment 7) Provide substance abuse treatment for individuals who have a substance use diagnosis from Residential level of care to outpatient level of care. 8) Work with families on harm reduction methods and abstinence education 9) Create a sustainability plan to ensure financial autonomy; EBPs: Motivational Interviewing (MI); Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT); Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD); Rx for Change: Clinician-Assisted Tobacco Cessation; Seeking Safety; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT); Peer Recovery-Oriented Support Services; Teen Intervene; The Matrix Model IOP for Teens and Young Adults, Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students, Cannabis Screening and Intervention for College Students, SMART Recovery, 12-step Facilitation and Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP). Goals: 1) Expand SBIRT Pre-screening; 2) Expand SBIRT full assessment; 3) Expand SBIRT services to primary health facilities, ERs, Urgent Cares, and Schools; 4) Expand youth mental health screening; 5) Provide brief intervention to youth and young adults; 6) Refer youth and young adults to appropriate substance abuse treatment; 7) Increase abstinence; 8) Improve educational/employment stability; 9) Improve housing stability; 10) Increase access to care; 11) Increase EBPs provided; 12) Increase treatment retention Objectives: 1) 100% of participants served using EBPS; 2) 100% of individuals who test positive on a pre-screen will be fully assessed; 3) 100% of 12 regional trainings will be completed by the end of year 5; 4) 100% of participants will be screened for co-occurring mental health needs and suicidality; 6) 100% of youth diagnosed with SUD will be referred to appropriate treatment; 7) 80% of people served will achieve abstinence; 8) 80% of participants will have an increase in employment/education stability; 9) 80% of participant will have an increase in housing stability; 10) 50% of participants will identify as racial, ethnic, and/or LGBTQIA+ minorities; 11) 80% of participants will reduce their suicide risks; 12) 80% of participants will be retained in treatment. Numbers Served: 50 in Year 1 and 100 per year in Years 2-5 = 450 total.