Mi Camino: Your Pathway to Career Success will be a bilingual/bicultural supported employment
program integrated with behavioral health treatment that seeks to address the educational and
vocational needs of Latinx individuals with substance use disorders or co- occurring mental health
disorders in order to enter the workforce, maintain employment, and develop career pathways that
support long-term success in recovery. Mi Camino integrates employment support services into each
job seeker's personal care plan. Job seekers work with their care team to map out their skills,
strengths, interests, and needs, and meet career goals. Mi Camino will serve 40 unduplicated
clients in year 1 and 70/year for Years 2-5, for a total of 320 unduplicated clients over five
Casa anticipates 100% of clients will have a substance use disorder and 70% will have a co-
occurring mental health condition; 40% will be monolingual Spanish speakers and all will be below
the national poverty line. The goals of this project are:
1. Complete vocational/educational assessment and service planning for Latinx with SUDs and CODs;
2. Create and deliver a culturally-focused Leadership Development Program that supports Latinx with
CODS in becoming leaders and working in the Latino recovery community;
3. Increase access to educational and vocational opportunities through the establishment of
Community Partnerships;
4. Improve access to integrated mental health and substance use treatment and primary care for
Latinos with SUD and COD entering the workforce, and
5. Enhance organizational training plan to ensure the successful implementation of projects by
reinforcing existing competencies and developing new skills.
Mi Camino's success will be measured through the number of assessments completed, development of
peer support professionals, vocational training services provided, training peer recovery
professionals on culturally focused Leadership Development Program, and engagement in our Supported
Employment services, such as individual vocational assessment and support, job search based on
individual strengths, skills, and preferences, help with resumes, cover letters, and interview
Clinical staff will utilize evidence-based practices to administer SUD and mental health treatment,
such as Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment, Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy, Medication-Assisted Treatment, Intensive Case Management, Supported Employment, and
Assertive Outreach. Additionally, Mi Camino staff receives ongoing professional development
training to reinforce existing competencies and develop new skills.