In response to TI-23-008, McDermott Center, DBA Haymarket Center, proposes “Haymarket MAI-HRP.” Over five years, Haymarket MAI-HRP will use motivational interviewing, contingency management, and care navigation to promote viral suppression and prevent new viral infections among 676 adult residents of Cook County, IL who are living with substance use disorder (SUD) and at least one of the following: HIV, hepatitis C (HCV), or hepatitis B (HBV).
Goal 1: By 9/29/2028, help to achieve or maintain viral suppression among 676 unique project participants who are living with at least one of the following: HIV, HCV, HBV.
Objective 1.1: Test 9,500 individuals for HIV (1,500 in YR 1 and 2,000 in each of YRs 2-5).
Objective 1.2: Test 9,500 individuals for HCV (1,500 in YR 1 and 2,000 in each of YRs 2-5).
Objective 1.3: Test 9,500 individuals for HBV (1,500 in YR 1 and 2,000 in each of YRs 2-5). Testing entails preliminary testing, confirmatory testing, and reporting to all relevant public health officials.
Objective 1.4: Connect 356 project participants living with HIV to care for HIV (56 in YR1, 75 in each of YRs 2-5).
Objective 1.5: Connect 304 project participants living with HCV to care for HCV (48 in YR 1, 64 in each of YRs 2-5).
Objective 1.6: Connect 52 project participants living with HBV to care for HBV (8 in YR 1, 11 in each of YRs 2-5).
Goal 2: By 9/29/2028, prevent the acquisition of viral co-infections among the 676 unique project participants (e.g., help prevent someone living with HIV from contracting HCV).
Objective 2.1: Provide PrEP navigation to 261 participants who are vulnerable to HIV (41 in YR 1, 55 in each of YRs 2-5).
Objective 2.2: Provide education about preventing HIV, HCV, and HBV among 608 participants (96 in YR 1, 128 in YRs 2-5).
Objective 2.3: Provide harm reduction supplies to 608 participants (96 in YR 1, 128 in YRs 2-5).
Goal 3: Enhance behavioral determinants of health for 676 project participants living with or vulnerable to HIV and hepatitis.
Objective 3.1: Assess 642 participants for SUD and COD (102 in YR 1, 135 in YRs 2-5).
Objective 3.2: Provide SUD treatment to 608 participants (96 in YR 1, 128 in YRs 2-5).
Objective 3.3: Provide co-occurring mental health disorder (COD) services to 366 participants (58 in YR 1, 77 in YRs 2-5).