Summary. Abounding Prosperity, Inc. (AP, Inc.) is proposing a program to increase engagement in care for racial and ethnic medically underserved individuals with SUDs and/or COD who are at risk for or with HIV in Dallas County, TX. AP, Inc. will serve 600 unduplicated individuals annually with grant funds and 3,000 over the entire project period.
Project name. Dallas MAI High Risk Program
Populations to be served. The population of focus (POF) will be racial and ethnic medically underserved individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs) and/or co-occurring SUDs and mental health conditions (COD) who are at risk for or with HIV; AP, Inc. will primarily target Black persons, including the high-risk MSM and transgender populations. The geographic catchment area where services will be delivered is Dallas County, TX. The catchment area is one of the localities included in Appendix M (Dallas County, TX).
Strategies/interventions. Program activities will include: 1) SUD/COD treatment and recovery support services; 2) HIV rapid testing and on-site HIV testing; 3) Linkage to confirmatory testing; 4) case management, referral/linkages to follow-up care, and treatment for all clients who have a preliminary positive HIV and confirmatory HIV test results; 5) case management, referral/linkage to PrEP services for individuals who screen negative for HIV but are at increased risk of becoming infected with HIV; 6) education, case management, referral/linkage to Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) services for individuals who are at increased risk of exposure to HIV through exposure; 7) develop MOAs with primary HIV treatment and care providers; 8) screen and assess clients for the presence of CODs; 9) test all clients who are considered to be at risk for viral Hepatitis (B and C) on-site and during mobile outreach; 10) develop a continuous outreach strateg; 11) hire staff that represent the population of the community being served; 12) ensure translate tools and resources are available to recipients of services; 13) enhance access to services for people of all racial/ethnic/marginalized groups in the community; 14) adapt existing conflict and grievance resolutions processes to ensure they are culturally and linguistically appropriate; 15) report all positive viral hepatitis test results to the local and state health department(s); and 16) provide Peer Recovery Support Services. AP, Inc. will also implement the following EBPs: SBIRT; Motivational Interviewing (MI); and Seeking Safety.
Project goals and measurable objectives. The program’s goal is to increase engagement in care for racial and ethnic medically underserved individuals with SUD and/or COD who are at risk for or with HIV. Objectives for the proposed program include:
Objective 1: Conduct outreach and recruitment activities, reaching up to 1,500 persons from the POF per year
Objective 2: Conduct HIV testing for 600 persons from the POF per year
Objective 3: Conduct hepatitis B and C testing for 300 persons from the POF per year
Objective 4: Provide linkage to care for 100% of clients testing positive for HIV per year
Objective 5: Provide linkage to PrEP services to 75% of high-risk HIV negative persons from the POF per year
Objective 6: Enroll 100 persons from the POF into case management per year
Objective 7: Screen and assess 500 persons from the POF for COD per year
Objective 8: Provide SUD/COD treatment and recovery support services to 90% of persons from the POF screening positive for SUD/COD per year
Objective 9: Provide Seeking Safety for at least 60 participants with histories of trauma per year
Objective 10: Provide Peer Recovery Support Services for at least 100 participants per year