The Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County, Inc., (CAPSLO) leads San Luis Obispo Homeless Recovery Hub (SLO-HUB), which integrates both treatment and services for homeless individuals, youth, and families with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders. It provides integrated treatment and intensive case management, permanent housing, recovery supports, employment, and education to set a path for self-sufficiency. Community partners provide evidence-based, co-occurring treatment, primary health care, reproductive health care, and community support on-site at CAPSLO’s 40 Prado Homeless Services Center (40PHSC), and short-term residential recovery, tobacco cessation, additional mental health counseling, and permanent housing in the community.
In spite of four homeless shelters operating in the county, San Luis Obispo County’s temperate climate allows over 80% of the homeless population to remain unsheltered. SLO-HUB’s outreach worker will engage unsheltered and sheltered participants at either the 40PHSC or during outreach activities in the community at Safe Parking sites, encampments, parks and other public locations and sites, as well as by referral from community agencies (including all project partners), or a family member.
SLO-HUB will serve 30-clients annually, totaling 150 throughout the five-year project period. Participants are estimated to be 55% male, 84% White, 34% Latino, 55% ages 45-60, 18% over age 61, and 12% LGBTQ, in accordance with the last PIT Count. Socioeconomically, only 14% of the unhoused population had some form of employment, with 68% of the unemployed unable to work or not looking for work. A majority (84%) were receiving some form of government service or assistance. Self-reported data from the 2022 PIT Count shows 46% of those surveyed disclosed PTSD, 43% psychiatric or emotional conditions, 35% alcohol and drug use, 31% chronic health problems, and 3% suffer from HIV/AIDS-related illnesses. Support for homeless residents with mental health conditions and drug and alcohol abuse is a pressing need locally. The opioid drug overdose mortality rate for CA is 18.03, while in SLO County the rate is 27.9 (2) Anecdotally, the Lead Case Manager at 40 Prado HSC reports the most frequently presenting conditions at SLO-HUB are alcoholism, methamphetamine and fentanyl use disorders.
To meet the needs of this diverse population, SLO-HUB’s two goals are to maintain a co-located multi-agency system of integrated services, and to deliver participants a wrap-around recovery program to improve the quality of their lives through recovery support that increases opportunities for permanent housing. These goals will be achieved through a steering committee with consumer representation which focuses on increased service integration throughout the community, counseling services, short-term residential recovery, and access to many community-based recovery services and supports, such as on-site primary medical care, access to a mobile reproductive health clinic, housing, benefits enrollment, tobacco cessation programs, and all services to meet basic needs offered at 40HSC.
In addition, CAPSLO will hire, train, and gain certification for at least two SLO-HUB graduates to be Peer Support Specialists each year. SLO-HUB services are culturally and linguistically appropriate, and respectful of and responsive to the health beliefs, practices, and needs of the diverse client population. Treatment plans are culturally appropriate, trauma-informed, and evidence-based. An independent evaluator will lead the local performance assessment.