Center Point, Inc. (CPI) is requesting $500,000 per year for up to five years from the SAMHSA CSAT to provide comprehensive, coordinated, and evidence-based treatment, harm reduction, and case management for people with substance use disorders (SUD) and/or co-occurring mental health conditions and SUDs (COD) who are also experiencing hopelessness. The populations of focus for the HomeLink Project are individuals and families with SUD or COD who are experiencing or are at imminent risk of homelessness. The geographic catchment area where project services will be delivered is Marin County, CA, and the participants will be residents of Marin County. HomeLink will directly provide residential and outpatient SUD and mental health (MH) treatment, including access to FDA-approved medications to treat opioid use disorder (MOUD); Recovery Residence housing, with on-site peer support and mentoring; case management that includes care coordination and service delivery planning; and harm reduction services including distribution of overdose reversal medication and fentanyl testing strips. CPI's project will service 50 participants in each year of the project, and 250 unduplicated participants in total.
The purpose of the project is to expand CPI's continuum of care infrastructure that integrates SUD/MH/COD/MOUD treatment, primary care, peer support, aftercare support, and recovery services with linkages to sustainable permanent housing. Over the five-year grant period, the HomeLink project will enhance outreach and engagement strategies to increase access to and participation in harm reduction and behavioral health services; provide screening, assessment, and treatment to reduce substance use and infectious disease risk and improve health care access; provide case management, recovery housing, and peer support that helps participants obtain housing stability; and establish a culturally and linguistically diverse steering committee that meets quarterly to monitor progress toward achieving project goals.
All participants will have access to CPI's comprehensive, integrated SUD/MH/COD/MOUD treatment and recovery support system that includes residential, outpatient, continuing and aftercare, recovery residence transitional housing, recovery support services, and vocational and employment services. Project services will be coordinated with psychosocial therapies, and clients will be directly linked into ongoing primary care and supportive services in partnership with local Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and community-based agencies. Achievement of project goals will result in reduced substance use and improved mental health, increased housing stability, employment and income, and the development of a recovery-oriented social network within the target population that offers hope, purpose, and community.