The MedLink Georgia Drug Court Medication-Assisted Treatment Program aims to provide critically needed Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) to the individuals who are mandated to receive treatment through their involvement with the accountability courts. The Drug Court MAT Program will provide the basis for sustainable and efficient relationships between MedLink Georgia, Inc. and the drug accountability courts located in and around its service area. MedLink Georgia will provide comprehensive medical care, as appropriate, to any and all individuals referred to it by the accountability courts within Northeast Georgia.
MedLink Georgia plans to serve 246 unique patients over the course of the funding period. This is an estimate of 40 patients in the first year, and an increase of 10% for each following year of the funding period (44, 49, 54, and 59 for years 2-5). The organization will prescribe primarily Vivitrol or Suboxone, through it will prescribe other MOUD as medically necessary.
One of the core principles of the Drug Court MAT Program is that even though the patients are being mandated by the accountability courts to receive treatment, MedLink Georgia is entirely in-charge of what form that treatment takes. This includes things like determining the appropriateness of various medicines and devising treatment plans on an individual basis. Similarly, as a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), MedLink Georgia will never deny services to anyone, regardless of their ability to pay. MedLink Georgia utilizes the Office-Based Opioid Treatment Model (OBOT). MedLink Georgia in collaboration with the accountabilty drug courts will work as a team to ensure each participant has all necessary treatment and support to ensure successful, sustained recovery.