Riverside San-Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc. (RSBCIHI) is the largest tribal health care organization in California. Our MAT-PDOA program will screen 20,000 American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth and adult patients, and non-AI/AN family members for non-medical drug. We will deliver MAT services to 160 patients. We will disseminate naloxone and provide training on its use to 750 individuals and deliver culturally appropriate education, prevention, and engagement activities to 5,000 community members.
We deliver comprehensive outpatient medical, pharmacy, laboratory, eye care, dental, behavioral health, outreach, and support services. Our U.S. Indian Health Service geographic catchment area covers Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in Southern California and nine (9) federally recognized Indian reservations. This area is home to 85,471 American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth and adults (U.S. Census Bureau, 2020). We have 37,463 registered AI/AN patients. To serve this population of focus, we operate six (6) health centers located on Indian reservations (Cahuilla, Morongo, Pechanga, Santa Rosa, Soboba, and Torres-Martinez), and two (2) located in urban areas (Barstow and San Manuel).
We will expand and enhance our existing MAT program, professional training, peers support, harm reduction, and community education and prevention services. We will 1) increase access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) for individuals with OUD; and 2) decrease illicit opioid use and prescription opioid misuse. To improve our MAT services, we need to solve eight (8) gaps, which is causing an inequity in access to MOUD and a disparity in our care. Our objectives are to:
• Screen 4,000 individuals each year for non-medical drug use with the DAST-10.
• Deliver MAT service to 32 patients with OUD each year.
• Make telehealth services available to phase 2 and 3 patients.
• Deliver MAT in-service training to 19 professional staff members each year.
• Train and California State Certify three (3) Peer Recovery Support staff members.
• Deliver effective and culturally appropriate education, outreach, engagement, and messaging at schools, COVID vaccination clinics, food drives, youth groups/talking circles, conferences, and other community events/gatherings to 1,000 youth and adult community members each year.
• Purchase and disseminate naloxone and provide training on its use to 150 first responders and people in key sectors each year.
• Conduct weekly MAT Case Conference meetings.
• Meet monthly with our Integrated Care Committee.