PROJECT SUMMARY: The Collin County Adult Treatment Drug Court Project will expand capacity of project partners to provide substance use disorder treatment, psychoeducation, mental health counseling, recovery support services, and comprehensive case management services for individuals who agree to participate in the Felony Drug Court Program (416th Judicial District) and who have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder (SUD) or co-occurring SUD and mental disorder (COD).
POPULATION/NEED: The population of focus will be adults ages 18 years and older who are involved in the criminal justice system and have a substance use disorder (SUD) or co-occurring SUD and mental disorder. All participants will be referred by the Collin County Felony Drug Court Program, the primary partner in this project. Of the 1,414 people LifePath Systems screened for SUDs in FY2022, 1,037 were referred to formal substance use treatment. However, only 42% (597) enrolled in treatment. Additionally, more than half (700) of those screened had some type of current or past legal issue due to substance use, but only 5% (70) reported being referred by the legal system. While the project will serve any adult aged 18 or older referred by the FDC, based on past data we anticipate serving more men (59%) than women (41%) who are White (75%), Black/African American (18%), and/or Hispanic (17%), who are low-income (90% or more), and whose primary language spoken is English (78%) or Spanish (32% in high utilization zip code 75074).
STRATEGIES: The primary project strategies include hiring a SUD Counselor (LCDC; 1.0 FTE) and a SUD Care Coordinator/Case Manager (QMHP; 1.0 FTE), providing substance use disorder treatment and mental health counseling services, engaging individuals in recovery support services, and providing comprehensive case management and care coordination services for participants to support their recovery.
GOAL: The primary goal is to provide substance use treatment services, mental health counseling, and recovery supports that reduce recidivism of adults with substance use disorders (SUDs) or co-occurring mental disorders (CODs) who are involved in the Felony Drug Court Program by implementing key components of the drug court model in combination with recovery support, comprehensive case management, and care coordination services to address health disparities and ensure social determinants of health are met.
OBJECTIVES: (1) 60% of participants who complete drug court will maintain sobriety six months post commencement; (2) 75% of participants will establish safe, substance free housing during phase one of drug court; (3) 40% of participants will maintain stable housing secured within phase one (1) of drug court; (4) 75% participants will seek and secure employment during phase one of drug court; (5) 50% of participants will maintain employment secured within phase one of drug court; (6) 90% of participants will establish, engage in, and maintain sober support systems during drug court participation and post commencement; (7) 70% of participants with identified health, behavioral health, and social consequences because of substance use are referred to appropriate treatment providers; (8) 90% of participants will have no new criminal justice involvement during participation in drug court; (9) 100% of participants will successfully complete the ASAM level of care recommendation for treatment; and (10) 70% of participants will report satisfaction with project services.
TOTAL PEOPLE SERVED: Over the five-year project period, LifePath Systems and its drug court partner anticipate serving 200 or more unique individuals, with a minimum of 40 unique individuals served per year.