The purpose of the TCC Reentry project is to build a culturally responsive reentry program for sentenced Alaska Native adults whose primary residence is within TCC’s health region, which directly addresses the substance use disorder treatment and/or co-occurring substance use and mental disorder that frequently result in reincarceration and to sustain a reentry program after funding ends by formalizing the TCC processes, systems, and policies. By building and sustaining a culturally responsive reentry program for people in the TCC region, we will prevent the reincarceration of sentenced adults and reduce the concomitant negative impacts on their families, thereby improving overall community behavioral health throughout the TCC region. The goals of this project are to: 1) Enhance collaboration among TCC programs and between TCC and the Alaska Department of Corrections to facilitate access to reentry services; 2) Systematize reentry support services starting with pre-release assessment and treatment planning for sentenced Alaska Native adults in the TCC health region; 3) Improve support services for the families of sentenced Alaska Native adults; and 4) Improve access to sentenced Alaska Native adults to substance abuse or substance use disorder treatment and/or co-occurring substance use and mental disorder treatment. We will serve 40 sentenced Alaska Native adults each year and 200 adults over five years with wraparound services to provide a holistic, client-centered approach that addresses all areas of need, including physical health, substance abuse treatment, mental health, education, employment, housing, and other social services. Services will be provided by TCC’s Behavioral Health Division, TCC’s Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center, and TCC’s Tribal Client Services. TCC will convene a reentry working group that includes the head of TCC’s Behavioral Health, Tribal Client Services, Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center, peer support specialists, and Village Public Safety Officer program, as well as the State of Alaska Department of Corrections, probation/parole, Office of Children’s Services, and the Fairbanks Reentry Coalition.