Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (L.A. CADA) will establish Adult Reentry (AR) services in three disadvantaged areas of Los Angeles County: Skid Row, Los Angeles; North Long Beach and; SPA 7 of L.A. County (the area with the county's largest Latino community). The project will serve 225 adults annually for the five-year project period -- a total of 1,125 adults with behavioral health disorders and criminal justice system involvement.
A significant 2.7% of 547,000 people held in American jails are in the custody of Los Angeles County – this catchment area is home to the world’s largest jail system. The population of focus is people with behavioral health disorders who constitute 40-65% of L.A. County inmates, prompting our jails' reputation as “America’s largest mental institution”. In fact, L.A. County has one of America’s most troubled jail systems. A 2021 county report revealed that “vulnerable” individuals; specifically those with: 1) mental illness, 2) substance use disorders, and/or 3) persons experiencing homelessness (PEH) represent most people involved in our justice system – and they experience the majority of recidivism. Of inmates released from L.A. County jails, 68-72% are subsequently convicted of a new offense, and at least one-third experience housing instability. Jail conditions here are stressed, at best, and 57% of inmates are violent offenders. The county housed 14,577 inmates in 2021 (down from 17,000 in 2020), overcrowding L.A. jails by 114-142%. Black and Latino adults are disproportionately represented in L.A. County jails; Black people comprise 31% of our inmates (but only 08% of the county’s population) and Latinos represent 54% (49% of county residents). While throughout the nation only 19% of jail inmates receive treatment behind bars, in L.A. County only 03% receive treatment. L.A. CADA is one of only four treatment providers operating inside of L.A. County jails.
To address inequity in treatment access (not only for offenders in general, but for incarcerated people of color) L.A. CADA's population of focus are Black and Latino adults with SUD/COD disorders and a high risk of homelessness who are leaving L.A. County jails. We will use 52 years of agency experience as an L.A. County behavioral health treatment provider for adult offenders to design, deliver, and assess comprehensive, evidence-based Adult Reentry services. The project will increase access to clinical and other needs assessment, treatment planning and placement, housing, peer recovery support, and social/family services for 225 adults of color annually or 1,125 participants during the life of this project.
Service implementation and delivery will be facilitated by L.A. CADA's broad continuum of evidence-based residential, outpatient, and Recovery Bridge Housing services, together with our position on L.A. County's Re-Imagine L.A. County Coalition, eight co-locations in L.A. County courtrooms, and our START treatment program in Men's Central Jail and Twin Towers in the city of in Los Angeles.