Washington State University (WSU) and Oregon State University (OSU) propose the Northwest Center for Rural Opioid Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery (NW CROP-TR). NW CROP-TR will bring together the joint efforts of the two currently funded Rural Opioid Technical Assistance grantees in Region 10, with the goal of supporting rural communities throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska. We will provide more than 500 (250/per year) rural providers and community members with training and technical assistance (TTA) to improve substance use prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery, and promote mental health across Region 10.
For the last three years WSU and OSU provided TTA to over 2,200 providers and community members across Region 10 and beyond. By combining our efforts into one coordinated center, we will leverage our extensive and complementary experience to meet the TTA needs of rural communities throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska. Our letters of commitment demonstrate the close collaborations our team has with other Region 10 TTA providers including the Mental Health, Addiction and Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (TTCs), and State and Tribal Opioid Response Plans and state level TTA providers. Our objectives and activities are described below and include substantial efforts to support behavioral health equity by providing culturally congruent TTA to the more than 270 American Indian and Alaska Native communities and more than one million Latinx people residing in Region 10. Our goals are to:
1) Collaborate with opioid prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery providers and rural community partners across Region 10 to inform project activities. We will expand our existing Advisory Board (AB) to meet the diverse TTA needs of rural communities, and coordinate with other Region 10 TTA providers, including the Northwest Addiction, Prevention, and Mental Health TTCs, State and Tribal Opioid Response plans, Cooperative Extensions, and other regional partners.
2) Conduct a comprehensive rural TTA needs assessment for Region 10. We will engage the AB to identify immediate high priority unmet community needs, identify existing sources of data that can inform us about TTA needs, conduct key informant needs assessment interviews, and administer targeted TTA needs surveys to fill knowledge gaps.
3) Develop and disseminate innovative models of opioid, stimulant, and mental health focused TTA through online, virtual, and in-person methods in coordination with other Region 10 TTA providers. We will expand our web, email, and social media presence to provide on demand TTA to Region 10, as well as coordinate with Region 10 TTCs to assure bi-directional sharing of TTA resources for rural communities. Using our unique expertise, we will deliver TTA for family focused evidence-based prevention interventions, including those developed for Latinx and AI/AN people. We will hold quarterly webinars and produce on demand contingency management materials, including those tailored for AI/AN communities.
4) Build capacity in rural Region 10 communities to prevent and reduce the harm of opioid and stimulant use disorders and related consequences. We will create a repository of media scripts addressing recovery, stigma, and harm reduction, produce county specific resource guides for rural communities, facilitate the implementation of Community Conversations focused on increasing awareness and reducing stigma, and provide ongoing support for mental health first aid to rural communities. We will also facilitate two communities of practice focused on prevention programming and contingency management.
5) Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of NW CROP-TR by tracking the number of individuals receiving TTA and the quality and impact of TTA by collecting GPRA performance measure data.