The population of focus for the Terros Health Turning the Tide II (T3-II) Program is young men of color who have sex with men, Black and Latina women, and non-binary and trans individuals living in Maricopa County, Arizona. Additionally, individuals served in the program will be between the ages of 18-34 with a substance use disorder (SUD) or co-occurring mental health disorder (COD). This is an under-served population who frequently have limited access to healthcare to improve their health status and quality of life. Maricopa County, with a 2021 population of 4,496,588, is identified as one of the CDC’s 50 focus areas for the Ending the HIV Epidemic(EHE)in the U.S. by 2030. There are approximately 202,346 LGBTQ+ individuals in the geographic catchment area, and many of them are young men of color who have sex with men-the group at highest risk for HIV-with Black men and individuals aged 25-29 at the highest incident rates.
An estimated 4.5% of Arizonans identify as LGBTQ+. With70% of 7,151,502 Arizonans living in Maricopa County, The HIV incidence rate in the county is 16.7 per 100,000 for males compared to 2.5 per 100,000 for females. Program strategies and interventions include HIV testing; STI and HBV/HCV testing, screening for substance use and mental health disorders;case management;linkage to medical, behavioral health and social determinant of health services; evidence based supportive group sessions;Social Networking Strategy to engage greater numbers of individuals into testing, and Motivational Interviewing and Trauma informed Care approaches throughout. The goals include 1) Increase access to relevant,integrated medical and behavioral health care including treatment related to substance use disorders and co-occurring disorders, HIV/HCV/HBV medical care and general primary medical care for the population of focus. 2) Individuals at high risk will be engaged through the use of HIV Prevention tools (PrEP, condoms, testing, and education). 3)Individuals will increase their awareness about HIV and the biopsychosocial effects of high-risk behaviors. 4)Participants will increase knowledge and skills to make healthy choices about their sexual health and whole person care. Measurable Objectives. 1) Participants will maintain an 80% participation rate during the term of the Program. 2) 50% of T3-II participants will complete CLEAR, a CDC evidence based, program designed to reduce the frequency of unprotected intercourse among young gay and bisexual men. 3) Annually, 100% of participants will be included in a 6-month follow-up with the GPRA administered. 4). 100% of outreached community members, concentrated in the effected geographic area, will be offered testing for HIV and HCV. 5) 80% of participants referred to appropriate medical treatment will attend their first appointment. 6) 90% of participants who test HIV positive and receive treatment will report viral suppression annually. 7) 90% of those who are HIV positive and connected to care will be retained in T3-II care for at least six months. Annually, 500 community members at highest risk will be outreached for HIV testing and education. Of those, 80 individuals will participate in the full service and treatment components of the T3-II program, with the intent of providing support for a health and well being.