Behavioral Health Services (BHS) is a division of Lakeview Center Inc. (LCI) in Escambia County FL, an organization with over 68 years of demonstrated experience providing behavioral health services to local communities. LCI proposes to provide recruitment into SUD-MAT/COD treatment programs, Strengths-based Case Management and HIV/Hepatitis C Testing and Prevention Services to the populations of focus in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, FL. Over the 5-year period the proposed PHASE (Personalized HIV & Addiction Services Expansion) IV Program, will expand the provision of evidence-based practices (i.e., MET, Strengths-based Case Management, Brief Risk Reduction Counseling and Rapid HIV/HCV Testing and Counseling services, Recovery Home support, etc.).
The populations of focus (POF) for the project are: Racial minorities with SUD and/or COD and Adult IDU, at increased risk for, or living with HIV infection of all gender identities in the catchment area. During the funding period (5 years): Screening and Assessment services will be provided to 1,938 persons. Further, Rapid HIV/HCV Testing and counseling, Brief Intervention services and Mobile Unit Outreach will be offered to all persons screened and assessed. LCI has extensive experience, both with the selected populations of focus, and in the provision of culturally relevant behavioral interventions with a strong evidence-base of effectiveness.
The need for increased engagement in SUD care and HIV services for the noted populations of focus (POF) is based on local data which demonstrates that: Though Black persons account for only 22.8% of the population, they conversely accounted for 50% of all HIV cases and 60% of all HIV diagnoses in 2020. Further, while 81.5% of White persons with HIV were retained in care, only 74.3% of Blacks were retained in care and only 63.6% of Hispanic persons were retained in care. Concurrently, 80.4% of White persons attain viral suppression, whereas only 66.9% of Black persons achieve viral suppression.
The PHASE IV Program will deliver culturally relevant interventions which: Increase recruitment and linkage to SUD-MAT/COD treatment programs; Provide Comprehensive Strengths-based Case Management; Increase access to rapid HIV/HCV testing services; Increase linkage to HIV primary care for persons testing HIV-positive and increase linkage to PrEP services for persons testing negative for HIV, who are at high risk for infection; as well as increase the distribution of Naloxone to high risk populations, both on-site and via mobile outreach.
The evaluator for this project will be Dr. Susan Walch (University of West FL), who has over 25 years of experience in programmatic assessment and evaluation. Dr. Walch is a professor of abnormal psychology, health psychology and behavior modification. She is a clinical psychologist specializing in psycho-oncology, cognitive-behavioral therapies and women’s health (among others). She has (co)written numerous peer-reviewed journal articles on the social factors of homophobia, attitudes toward transgendered persons and managing diversity in the workplace. Supporters of her research on HIV/AIDS prevention and interventions have included: the Florida Department of Health, Southern REACH and the Elton John AIDS Foundation,