The South Texas MAT Enhancement and Recovery Project proposed by SCAN, Inc. aims to increase treatment capacity for adults with an Opioid Use Disorder who reside in Webb County, TX, along the Texas-Mexico border. The project will provide medication-assisted treatment using buprenorphine and a comprehensive, evidence-based set of psychosocial treatments, case management, and recovery services. Most potential clients live in Colonias, impoverished and unincorporated subdivisions in South Texas. In addition to sublingual buprenorphine maintenance therapy, evidence-based psychotherapeutic treatments will include a combination of Motivational Interviewing and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy targeting substance abuse and mental heath disorders, the Matrix Model for relapse prevention and recovery skills, and Seeking Safety, a trauma-informed, cognitive-behavioral intervention validated for adults and adolescents with trauma and SUD. This set of evidence-based practices will contribute to a reduction in illicit opioid and other substance use, help clients improve their mental health, and engage them in ling-term recovery. Over a period of 5 years, the project aims to serve a total of 350, with annual treatment counts of 50, 75, 75, 75, and 75. Project goals and objectives include increasing access to treatment opportunities by: (1) Integrating MAT into SCAN's existing adult Substance Use disorder treatment programs, including appropriate diagnostic screening and assessment measures, telehealth, and recovery support services; (2) Developing the project workforce through the recruitment, training, and supervision of MAT staff to ensure delivery of high-quality services, through the hiring of a qualified healthcare professional eligible for a waiver, contracting with an after-hours emergency service, and provision of clinical supervision; (3) Executing a prompt start to the project to decrease risks for further harm through the immediate development and implementation of coordinated client services plans and screening for infectious diseases; (4) Following best practices related to protecting individuals with OUD at risk of opioid misuse through the ongoing monitoring of the Texas PMP and implementation of a diversion mitigation protocol; (5) Conducting community outreach to identify and engage individuals who may benefit from OUD prevention, treatment, and recovery services through implementation of outreach and engagement strategies for populations at risk of OUD, including inmates soon to be released from the Webb County Jail; and (6) Creating a network of community stakeholders to (s) develop funding mechanisms for OUD treatment and recovery, (b) develop a model of treatment and recovery services (Community Stakeholders Workgroup), and (c) provide input and guidance on project implementation, services, and polices (Advisory Workgroup).