Western University of Health Sciences (WesternU) Medication Opioid Use Disorders (MOUD) Training for Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNP) includes the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) approved 24-hour waiver training, plus 6-hours of e-training simulation module of MAT gamification, best MAT and opioid practices, and integrated practice setting experience with addiction specialists. WesternU proposes to prepare 255 trainees over a 3-year period (Table 1) which allows them to obtain their DATA Waiver to become licensed prescribers and prescribe MAT to SUD/OUD individuals to reduce the number of overdose deaths in California. WesternU MOUD will prepare trainees to understand the nature of the disease of addiction, how it presents in patients, best practices approaches, and how to prescribe MAT as a part of recovery treatment. Once educated, the trainees will be capable of offering recovery MOUD treatment as part of integrated health care at primary care settings. Project goals and objectives: Goal 1) Implement approved ASAM Training for MOUD program to provide at least 24 hours of didactic education and additional 6-hour e-learning (gamification, simulation, and other modules) for nurse practitioner (NP) trainees. Objective 1.1. Upon award notification, revise Pharmacology II course through curricular committee change to include ASAM and e-learning training by Year 1, Month 3. Objective 1.2. Establish and convene Advisory Board with at least two healthcare partners. Objective 1.3. Increase of 25% of change in cognitive, motor, and affective skills for trainees, as measured by baseline and post-training during the 6-week MAT gamification training section. Objective 1.4. Increase the number of NP faculty from 10% to at least 50% who complete DATA waiver in the first year of grant activities. Goal 2) Operationalize MOUD Training to include direct clinical and practical application training through shadowing in practice setting for trainees. Objective 2.1. Establish at least one additional clinical practice training site by Year 2. Objective 2.2. Increase the number of individuals completing the training requirements for the DATA waiver by 255 FNP/PMHNPs by the end of the three-year grant period. Objective 2.3. FNP trainees participate in 24 practice hours and PMHNP trainees participate in 135 hours of addictions clinical, as measured by trainee level clinical logs. (Years 1-3) Goal 3) In Year 1, Revise post-graduate survey and implement a data collection plan to measure utility of training experience and extent to which trainees prescribe, once practicing. Objective 3.1 Post-graduate trainees will rate the usefulness of the MOUD training experience as a four (4) or higher on a Likert Scale (1-5), as measured by post-survey. (Years 1-3) Objective 3.2 Post-graduate trainees will report prescribing once in clinical practice. (Years 1-3) Upon completing the WesternU MOUD Training, students will be eligible for the California State Board of Nursing recognition for advanced practice and furnished a prescribing recognition.