Helen Ross McNabb Center, Inc. (HRMC) proposes Youth and Family TREE (YFT), which will provide substance use disorder and co-occurring disorder treatment, recovery-oriented services, and case management services to 50 unduplicated transitional-age youth and young adults ages 16-25 in year 1, 100 unduplicated further clients in each subsequent years 2-5, for a total of 450 unduplicated clients over the 5 year period.
The McNabb Center proposes Youth and Family TREE (YFT), which will provide substance use disorder and co-occurring disorder treatment, recovery-oriented services, and case management services to 50 unduplicated transitional-age youth and young adults ages 16-25 in year 1, 100 unduplicated further clients in each subsequent years 2-5, for a total of 450 unduplicated clients over the 5 year period.
East Tennessee (TN) youth and young adults suffering from co-occurring disorders need access to and expansion of treatment services. These individuals need stable, healthy living environments, co-occurring disorder treatment, and connections to community resources. YFT will address the needs of these individuals through outreach, engagement, and screening strategies; identifying appropriate treatment needs; determining needed service linkages; integrating mental health and substance use disorder treatment interventions for co-occurring disorders; utilizing case management to address family needs; and collaborating across community agencies for service provision. In addition, YFT services will enhance and expand comprehensive treatment, early intervention, and recovery support services for family/primary caregivers as well. Participation in a separate family recovery support group will be encourage as well as the opportunity to participate in the IOP recovery activities with the youth. Families will receive in home case management as well to address the needs of employment, housing, and psychoeducational support. Family participation will be a vital part of the recovery plan and will aid in the engagement and retention of transitional aged youth in treatment. YFT has community partners that will support the project. YFT will use evidence-based practices including Seeking Safety, Matrix Model, Double Trouble in Recovery, Brief Strengths-Based Case Management for Substance Abuse, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Forever Free for Baby and Me. YFT individuals will access appropriate services including co-occurring treatment; case management; service linkages; and crisis planning. YFT project goals include increasing access to, engagement in, and retention for transitional aged youth (16-25) in need of treatment services for SUD or co-occurring disorders; providing early intervention services for 50 transition age youth and families per year; providing a comprehensive, family-centered trauma-informed, evidence-based, coordinated and integrated outpatient system of care for those youth, including in-home services outside of Knox County, intensive outpatient services within Knox County, and medication-assisted recovery treatment; providing recovery services for all clients enrolled in the YFT continuum of services per year; connecting youth with SUD or co-occurring disorders to community resources; and evaluating the project’s outcomes and successes utilizing standardized instruments and mandated reporting tools. YFT’s ultimate goal is to provide evidence-based treatment practices to youth and young adults affected by co-occurring disorders to improve well-being, safety, and family-functioning outcomes in East TN.