The population of focus for SMA Healthcare’s Youth and Family TREE services will be adolescents (16-18) and transitional youth (ages 18-25) with a substance use disorder who could also have co-occurring mental health conditions. The geographic catchment area is Putnam County, Florida, one of Florida’s most impoverished counties.
Youth and Family TREE goals include: (1) Decrease substance use in Putnam County by implementing evidenced based prevention, screening/assessment, and treatment programs in the schools and community; (2) Provide comprehensive, family centered, trauma-informed, evidence-based, coordinated, and integrated outpatient services to meet the complex needs of the population of focus; (3) Screen, refer, and/or treat population of focus for alcohol misuse, tobacco use, and illegal drug use including marijuana, opioids, stimulants, inhalants, and benzodiazepines; (4) Increase access to comprehensive treatment services, including expanded services to family members of adolescents and transitional youth; and (5) Provide education and messaging on making healthy choices that includes no use of substances. The project will provide comprehensive outpatient treatment services to 50 individuals and their families in year 1 and 100 individuals and families annually in years 2 through 5.
Evidence-based prevention and treatment services include The Truth About Drugs, a prevention curriculum to be presented in Putnam Schools; the Matrix model for Teens and Young Adults, a sixteen session counseling program; Medication Assisted Treatment for opioid dependent clients, and High Fidelity Wraparound providing supportive services. Staff positions include a Project Director, Youth Service/Recovery Support Coordinator (licensed therapist), 3 counselors, a Peer Support Specialist, Data Support Specialist, part-time Advance Practice Registered Nurse, and a part time Licensed Practical Nurse.
Partnering organizations that have provided a letter of commitment and/or signed a Memorandum of Understanding include: Putnam County Schools, Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, Palatka Police Department, Putnam County Health Department, Juvenile Crime Prevention Office, Department of Juvenile Justice, CDS Family and Behavioral Health Services, Partnership for Children, St. Johns River State College, Shining Light, and Nehemiah Project.
SMA Healthcare will collect and report required performance measures. Required performance measures will be gathered using a uniform data collection tool provided by SAMHSA. Data collection includes: individuals served; diagnosis; abstinence from use; housing status; education/employment status; criminal/juvenile justice system involvement; social connectedness; at-risk behaviors; access to services; emergency department use; hospitalization for Mental illness/SUD; suicide attempts; utilization of services; and retention in services. Data will be collected at intake, three months post intake, six months post intake, and discharge. SMA will complete a GPRA interview on all clients and achieve 80% three and six month follow-up rates.