The Volunteers of America Southwest Comprehensive Opioid Recovery Center (CORC) project will address the opioid epidemic by offering an all-inclusive array of opioid-specific treatment services to adults suffering from Opioid Use Disorders (OUDs) in San Diego County, California. The program will incorporate residential and outpatient treatment, with withdrawal management, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), wraparound supports, and aftercare and relapse prevention services for participants. Project participants will be men and women who are identified through outreach efforts and community referrals and who are identified through screening and assessments as being good candidates for non-methadone MAT. The project will serve 100 participants each year for 4 years.
The project is designed to meet three interrelated goals, each of which is tied to objectives that will allow measurements of success over time. First, the project will expand community-based services to include MAT programming for individuals with SUD and COD who are suffering from opioid addiction. Second, it will reduce opioid use among adults with opioid addiction by providing a phased-treatment approach that incorporates evidence-based treatment services including MAT and psychotherapies. Finally, the project will increase the overall quality of life among participants by providing treatment, wraparound services, and aftercare support they need to enter sustained recovery, develop skills and resources necessary for self-sufficiency, and increase their overall well-being. For this final goal, success will be evaluated by tracking participants' progress in the four main areas: 1) substance use/sobriety, 2) employment/income and housing stability, 3) mental health and social functioning, and 4) criminal behavior. Over the life of the project, project staff will collect, monitor, and analyze data tied to project objectives and requirements to ensure consistently high service quality and continuous progress toward goals.
As with all VOASW's extensive programming for vulnerable people, this program will be constructed around client-driven, strengths-based, goal-oriented individualized care and treatment for project participants. Experienced staff will use validated tools to complete comprehensive assessments of each participant and gain a thorough understanding of that person's strengths, needs, and challenges. Case managers will collaborate with each person to develop an individualized treatment plan designed to meet his or her own goals for recovery and stable living and will coordinate comprehensive care chosen from a broad array of treatment and supportive services to meet participant goals. Effective evidence-based practices, including MAT, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Contingency Management, and Trauma-Informed Care will be used in treatment. Participants will be supported with comprehensive wraparound services including assistance with income, housing, and employment, family social supports, and six months of aftercare and relapse prevention services.