WestCare Georgia’s The Women’s Place program will provide substance use disorder treatment, co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders treatment, and recovery support services to homeless women in the City of Atlanta and Fulton County, GA. Goal 1: Increase access to culturally appropriate, woman-centered substance use disorder treatment to reduce alcohol and substance misuse among homeless adult minority women. Objectives 1.1: Provide evidence-based intensive, integrated outpatient treatment to 270 women (45 in years 1 & 5; 60 in years 2-4). 1.2 75% of women will complete the program successfully. 1.3 75% of women will be substance free during the 30 days prior to discharge, and 70% will remain abstinent at 6-months post intake as evidenced by GPRA. Goal 2: Enhance social and behavioral health functioning among homeless adult minority women. Objectives 2.1 80% of the women who successfully complete treatment will obtain stable housing at discharge, and 70% will maintain their living arrangements at 6-months post discharge as evidenced by the GPRA. 2.2 80% of the women who complete treatment will have improved social connectedness at discharge, and 70% will maintain these improvements at 6-months post intake as evidenced by GPRA. 2.3 80% of the women who complete treatment will enroll in an educational/vocational program, be actively seeking employment, or be employed at discharge, and 70% will continue to remain enrolled, complete their education/ training, or remain employed 6-months post intake as evidenced by the GPRA. 2.4 80% of the women who complete treatment and who had mental health symptoms at admission will exhibit decreased symptoms at discharge, and 70% will maintain improved mental health functioning at 6-months post intake as evidenced by the GPRA, PCL-5, and Modified Mini Screen.