With PRIME (Prevention Recovery Integration for MSM Empowerment), St. John’s Well Child and Family Center proposes to reach a 5-year total of 2,500 low-income Black and Latino men who have sex with other men (BLMSM) who have a substance use disorder and/or co-occurring mental disorder (SUD/COD) and are living with or at elevated risk for HIV; 500 BLMSM will receive PRIME services annually.
Disproportionately affected by SUD, HIV, hepatitis, homelessness, PTSD, stigma, discrimination, and justice system overrepresentation, the BLMSM to be served by PRIME are from South LA, an area of Los Angeles County impacted by epidemic poverty, crime, and low rates of educational attainment and degree of social cohesion. PRIME’s purpose is to develop and implement an integrated, culturally-competent treatment response to SUD/COD among BLMSM in South LA who are at-risk or living with HIV/AIDS and/or hepatitis. PRIME aims to improve health, functioning and stability of BLMSM through collaborative trauma-informed and recovery-based clinical and peer support services addressing behavioral and physical health. PRIME’s continuum of care includes: outreach/engagement to increase access to services; HIV/hepatitis testing & counseling, biomedical prevention, treatment and HAV/HBV vaccinations; screening, assessment and treatment of SUD/COD, including counseling, medication management, and peer-led implementation of the EBP Seeking Safety; care coordination/case management; medical home-based health care; and peer recovery support services.
PRIME’s goals/objectives are:
Goal 1: Promote recovery of SUD/COD for PRIME participants to improve health, functioning and stability. Objectives: 1.1) By the end of Year 5, 2,500 BLMSM will be screened for SUD/COD by staff. 1.2.a) Of those who screen positive (approx. 750), 95% will participate in GPRA intake; 85% of those will receive follow-up. 1.2.b) Of those who screen positive, 75% will be linked to and access ongoing individual/group counseling and/or psychiatric care; of those who initiate services, 75% will be retained in and/or adhere to recommended treatment. 1.3) By the end of Y1, a minimum of 100 BLMSM will be enrolled into the Seeking Safety group intervention. In Y2-5, a minimum of 125 BLMSM will be enrolled annually. An 85% retention rate will be achieved over the course of the grant. 1.4) By the end of Y5, 90% (approx. 540) of SUD/COD-positive screens will be linked to one or more recovery wraparound/support services; annually, 75% of who are engaged in care management will make progress on one or more individual service plan goals. 1.5) By the end of Y3, 70% of PRIME participants will report increased sense of hope, functioning, self-efficacy, social connection/inclusion and/or awareness of available support services. (As measured by evidence-based intervention evaluation tools.)
Goal 2: Reduce HIV/hepatitis infection and transmission rates and improve overall health outcomes among BLMSM with SUD/COD. Objectives: 2.1) Annually, 100% of BLMSM with SUD/COD who do not know their status will receive rapid/confirmatory HIV/HCV testing at enrollment in PRIME services by staff or partners. 2.2) As a result, 95% of participants who test positive for HIV and/or HCV will be linked by Peer Recovery Specialist (PRS) to Program Coordinator (PC) for integrated PRIME collaborative care at SJWCFC. 2.3) By the end of Year 5, 90% of all BLMSM who are linked to HIV/HCV care will be retained in care at PRIME Specialty Clinic. 30% of high-risk negative BLMSM will be successfully linked to & start taking PrEP.