The EAC Network a not-for-profit multi-service agency which administers more than 100 social service programs, proposes to serve 55 additional individuals per year (275 for the grant period) with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders (COD) returning to NY city from NY State (NYS) Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) prisons after serving a minimum sentence of 6 months for a felony. The Project will begin service within the correctional facility and continue for a minimum of 9 months post release when each returnee has met key clinical, recovery oriented and criminal justice supervision criteria. The Project will utilize actuarially based screening and assessment tools, including the Drug Screening Abuse Test (DAST), the Short Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (SMAST), the Colorado Symptom Index (CSI), the PTSD Checklist and the COMPAS (Correctional Officer Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions) to develop a fully integrated Individual Service plan that addresses clinical, recovery and criminal justice domains. The project will implement mutually reinforcing evidence based practices which focus on clinical and forensic needs prevalent in the population, and have a clear evidence base for efficacy with prison returnees, specifically: Risk-Needs-Responsivity (RNR), Critical Time Intervention (CTI), Sensitizing Providers to the Effects of Incarceration on Treatment and Risk Management (SPECTRM), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Peer Recovery Support Services (PRSS); Pharmacological drug treatment, including methadone and suboxone, and Seeking Safety. The Goals of the Project are: 1) Provide screening / assessment within 4 months of release utilizing nationally recognized instruments sensitive to both clinical and criminogenic needs. 2) Improve community reintegration and reduce recidivism through evidence based care coordination (CTI), PRSS, and linkage to NYC’s extensive clinical services. 3) Enhance Program effectiveness through improved coordination across systems serving offenders with COD. The Project’s evaluator, SAE-BHE has evaluated 32 SAMHSA grants since 2005, in all of the SAMHSA branches, including Adult and Family Treatment Courts, and Offender Reentry Program, and will utilize GPRA data ongoing Performance Assessment and Continuous Quality Assurance. SAE-BHE will monitor and report on the following via staff interviews, Excel (frequency) and SPSS (ANOVA) data analysis: implementation progress realized by comparison with plan; deviations from the implementation plan and origins of the deviations; effect of deviations on services; and a description of who provided, what services (modality, type, intensity, duration), to whom (individual characteristics-race, gender, age), in what context (jail/prison, partner agency, community based organization), and at what cost (facilities, personnel dollars). Evaluators will report findings to Project Staff and stakeholders no less than monthly in year 1 and quarterly in years 2-5.