Staten Island STOP: A Coordinated Approach to Reduce Underage Drinking (SI STOP) will build on the decade's worth of prevention inrastructure built by Tackling Youth Substance Abuse (TYSA), a cross-sector coalition of over 50 different partners to address alcohol use among youth and young adults. SI STOP will consist of three goals - 1.) Increase community awareness of the harms of underage drinking among Staten Island youth and parents/caregivers. 2.) Use environmental strategies to reduce access to alcohol among 12 - 20-year-olds. 3.) Use community messaging strategies around social norms to reduce rates of underage drinking among 12-20-year-olds.The COVID19 pandemic had a profound impact on the behavioral health of youth and young adults with increased rates of depression, anxiety, and substance use. In addition, efforts at the state level to stimulate the economy have resulted in more relaxed policies around alcohol access. Project strategies will be incorporated into TYSA workgroups and aligned with SI STOP goals through the collaboration of diverse partners spanning community-based, advocacy, retail, not-for-profits, government, and education sectors on SI to implement a multipronged campaign aimed at shifting norms and reducing alcohol accessibility.