On behalf of the community sectors living in the rural counties of Southern Rio Arriba and Northern Santa Fe, Hands Across Cultures Corp., a 501(c)(3) private, non-profit organization, will facilitate a coordinated effort to improve infrastructure and collaboration between Workgroups and coalitions, the Rio Arriba Revive Collaborative Partnership for Success (The Partnership), to address local drug crises. The recent Community Needs Assessment illustrated significant alcohol, opioid, methamphetamine and prescription drug abuse. Collaboratively, Revive has priorities an attainable focus on preventing onset of substance use among youth 9-20, reducing opioid and prescription drug abuse an increasing perceptions of harm.
Populations to be served: Youth ages 12-17. Demographics and Clinical Characteristics include 51% Female and 49% Male. Race and Ethnicity (based on most recent DFC Youth Core Measure Survey) Hispanic/Latino 76.7%, White/Caucasian 12.9%, American Indian/Alaskan Native 17.2%, Black/African American 2.8%, Asian 1.7%, Another/Mixed Race 1.0%.
The two major goals of The Partnership are 1) Strengthen prevention capacity/infrastructure and community collaboration by implementing Strategies that Enhance Skills
2) Reduce youth substance use in catchment area by implementing Strategies that Change Consequences, Reduce Access, Modify Policies, Provide Information and Provide Support.
Objective 1: Increase the collaboration and capacity of Coalition leadership and membership by 5% to impact objectives associated with the in Action Plan as measured by the Coalition Effectiveness Tool by September 29, 2028.
Objective 1: Increase the perception of risk of the legal consequences among youth regarding the arrest of adults for providing alcohol to minors by 10% of baseline as measured by the Youth Core Measures Survey in catchment area by September 29, 2028.
Objective 2: Reduce the number of students reporting “Very Easy” and “Somewhat Easy” access to alcohol as measured by the Core Measures Survey by 10% in catchment area from baseline data by September 29, 2028.
Objective 3: Increase the enforcement of alcohol, prescription pill abuse and drug policies by increasing the reported incidence of enforcement in catchment area by 10% by August 29, 2025.
Objective 4: Decrease youth social access to alcohol by decreasing the number of adults who provide alcohol to minors by 10% by increasing adherence implementation of the Social Host Ordinance in catchment area, NM by September 29, 2028.
Objective 5: Increase perceived risk DWI by 10%, as well as, the perceived risk of youth “riding with someone who has been drinking alcohol” by 10% as measured by the Core Measure Survey by September 29, 2028.
Objective 6: Reduce the number of students who report using Prescription Drugs not prescribed by 10% as measured by the Core Measure Survey in the catchment area by September 29, 2028.