The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe’s (CSKT) Partnership for Success Project will develop and increase capacity in local tribal youth to support themselves and their peers by focusing on their individual and collective gifts and strengthening their identity, connectedness and resiliency. This grant will fund a comprehensive partnership on the Flathead Indian Reservation to identify and implement evidence-based and culturally focused ways of supporting tribal students’ positive protective factors.
Tribal students on the Flathead Indian Reservation face immense disparities, historical and continual traumas that can sometimes lead them down a path of self-destruction. The CSKT Partnership for Success Project will utilize tribal/local resources and partners together with gift-based approaches to help support them in becoming resilient young people who are strong in their cultural identity, and focused on their gifts and purpose.
Goal 1: Identify and connect tribal/community project partners to support tribal students in their exploration of their gifts and purpose: Objective 1: By the end of Year 1 and each consecutive year, identify and connect with possible project partner for success; Objective 2: By the end of Year 5, a comprehensive guide will be developed listing all tribal/local partners and their services for tribal youth: Objective 3: By the end of Year 5, 70% of all project partners will participate in monthly project meetings.
Goal 2: Develop a comprehensive list of “Purpose Practitioners” including artists, authors, beaders, dancers, etc. to support tribal youth on their journey of discovering their own purpose and gifts: Objective 1: By the end of Year 1 and each consecutive year, identify and connect with at least 20 different Purpose Practitioners annually to support tribal students; Objective 2: By the end of Year 5, 125 tribal youth will be connected with tribal/local Purpose Practitioners.
Goal 3: Increase the capacity of tribal/local partners to connect tribal youth with positive tribal protective factors as prevention to mental health issues: Objective 1: By the end of Year 5, at least 500 individuals including staff and students will receive training in evidence-based and culturally focused ways of supporting tribal students’ positive protective factors: Objective 2: By the end of Year 5, at least 75 staff members from tribal/local partners will be trained in gift- based support and tribal positive protective factors: Objective 3: By the end of year 5, 70% of tribal students in CSKT Partnership for Success Project will be sharing their gifts and purposes with the tribal/local communities or demonstrating resiliency through mentoring younger tribal students in gift-based and purpose strengthening activities.