Project Name: WA State PFS 2023 - Enhancing Upstream, Community-based Prevention Services
Summary: WA is committed to preventing substance use disorders (SUD) and promoting mental health (MH) through the expansion and support of the program known as the Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative (CPWI). Funds will be used to develop capacity in CPWI communities across the state, fund key prevention services in selected high-needs communities and ensure maximum effectiveness through careful and comprehensive evaluation.
HCA/DBHR, along with a network of dedicated local prevention providers and school districts, currently maintains 95 CPWI coalitions across the state, serving those communities with the greatest needs as identified by careful analysis of numerous data sources. The SPF-PFS 2023 funding would address the top SUD prevention and MH promotion priorities in WA State through upstream prevention efforts, including implementation of the community and school-based prevention model, training and technical assistance, and public education.
Population to be Served: Subrecipient communities and their respective coalitions and school districts, identified from using a Risk Index, prioritized to those communities demonstrating significant health disparities due to factors related to race, ethnicity, gender, education, income, disability, geography, and/or sexual orientation.
Project Goal: Build prevention capacity to local community prevention providers, to prevent and reduce the onset of SUD among populations of focus.
Strategy 1. (Assessment) Enhance the prevention data infrastructure to ensure prevention resources and services are prioritized for underserved communities and populations of focus that are experiencing greater risk for youth substance misuse and behavioral health needs.
Strategy 2. (Capacity) Increase the capacity of high need areas in the state to implement effective SUD prevention services utilizing the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) model.
Strategy 3. (Planning) Update and revise state and local level strategic action plans for prevention services implementation.
Strategy 4. (Implementation) Increase support to local communities with higher risk and populations of focus (underserved, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, housing insecure, etc.)
Strategy 5. (Evaluation and reporting) Support and enhance the data reporting infrastructure for Washington State prevention contractors.
Number of People Served:
•Assessment/capacity building efforts will reach all CPWI communities, as well as other providers in our system, totaling over 200 prevention providers (unduplicated) per year.
•Direct service implementation will be limited to identified subrecipient communities and should total an estimated 1,500 unduplicated participants served per year.
•Public education and information dissemination reach will exceed 3,000,000 people, based on population-level and aggregate-level programs/activities.