Family Health Centers of Georgia, Inc. (FHCGA) proposes to implement an HIV Prevention Navigator project that will provide substance misuse and HIV prevention services to racial/ethnic minority males at risk for HIV/AIDS. The geographic catchment area for this project includes Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton, and Gwinnett counties, GA, the four GA counties hit hardest by the HIV epidemic. Project Name. HIV Prevention Navigator Program for Racial/Ethnic Minorities. Populations to be Served. The total population of the 4-county catchment area is 3,489,904, including 33,642 people living with HIV (PLWH). The region is 47.5% male, 38.1% Black, and 12.4% Hispanic; 27.8% of all residents live on incomes below 200% FPG. HIV/AIDS incidence (37.6 per 100,000) and prevalence (964 per 100,000) are higher than the nation (ACS, Census Bureau, 2016-20; HIV Surveillance Summary 2020, GA Dept. of Public Health). Strategies/ Interventions. The project will utilize a Patient Navigator/Community Health Worker (Prev-Nav/CHW) model to increase capacity to provide substance misuse, HIV, and hepatitis prevention services and mental health promotion for populations at risk for HIV/AIDS, with a focus on individuals who are low-income, Black, Hispanic, and MSM. Opt-out testing for HIV and hepatitis, and implementation of community-based HIV rapid testing, will increase access to appropriate screening and linkage to care. Evidence-based interventions including PrEPmate and Cognitive Based Therapy for Social Anxiety & Sexual Health (CBT-SASH) will be implemented to improve PrEP retention and adherence, and HIV prevention. Project Goals & Objectives. GOAL 1: Reduce HIV infection & increase protective factors through evidence-based substance misuse and HIV/hep prevention programming among populations at risk for HIV, with a focus on low-income/Black/Hispanic/MSM individuals. GOAL 2: Reduce the risk of HIV infection & spread through increased access to HIV/hep testing & appropriate linkage to medical care for those who test positive/PrEP for those who test negative. OBJECTIVES: Deliver substance misuse/HIV/hep prevention services and MH promotion, reaching at least 1,000 people through group or face-to-face encounters by the end of Y1, and at least 1,500 annually thereafter. At least 50% of clients receiving substance misuse/HIV/hep prevention services and MH promotion services from the Prev-Nav/CHWs will complete a referral to support services by the end of Y1, increasing to 85% by 09/29/2027. In Y1, at least 150 clients will enroll in PrEPmate, increasing to 300 annually thereafter. In Y1, at least 50% of clients receiving CBT-SASH from the BH-LCSW will complete the 10-week program, increasing to 75% by 09/29/2027. By 01/31/2023, ensure that at least 50% of FHCGA physicians and advance practice clinicians have received at least 1 educational session on the importance of screening for HIV/hep and appropriate referrals to care, increasing to 90% by 09/29/2025. By 01/31/2023, initiate opt-out hep testing and prevention services in community settings and onsite at FHCGA with standardized clinical procedures in place for referrals. By 01/31/2023, initiate rapid HIV testing in community settings with standardized clinical procedures in place for referrals. By 09/29/2027, increase the percentage of pts 15-65 years of age who were tested for HIV from 51.4% (2021 baseline) to 85%. By 09/29/2027, sustain the percentage of pts whose first-ever HIV diagnosis was made by health center personnel and who were seen for follow-up treatment within 30 days of that first-ever diagnosis at 100% (2021 baseline). The project will serve 1,200 clients in Y1; 2,000 in Y2; 2,600 in Y3; 3,200 in Y4; and 3,800 in Y5; for 12,800 total over the 5-year project period.