Since 2010, Boone County Alliance for Healthy Youth has devoted its energy to develop and implement individual and
community strategies to combat substance abuse. In order to achieve its mission of a united community where all youth
are drug free, BCA engages in activities related to prevention, advocacy, and collaboration. BCA focuses on prevention
of underage drinking, marijuana use, and prescription drug misuse/abuse. The project, which plans to serve 20,000
Boone County youth ages 13-18, will focus on collaborating with various community sectors in order to educate youth,
parents, and the overall community on youth substance abuse prevention. The overall goal of the proposed project is
to prevent misuse of alcohol and marijuana and increase perception of risk of underage drinking and marijuana usage
by Boone County youth. The objectives include areas of impact for Individual Services Delivery and Collaborative and
Systemic Change: 1. Provide opportunities for shared leadership and use of effective collaborative principles, processes,
and tools for coalition members to implement community change strategies. 2. Increase youth participation in coalition
work and activities 3. Increase communication with other local drug-free community coalitions 4. Limit youth access to
alcohol and marijuana 5. Increase youth perception of risk of alcohol and marijuana usage