Healthy Communities Alliance, a community-based prevention coalition established in 2016, will partner with ComWell, the fiscal agent, to implement the proposed DFC project. HCA’s project will focus its efforts in the southwest Illinois counties of Randolph and Washington, selected due to the two adjacent counties sharing contiguous county borders and common struggles related to substance use. HCA intends to focus its efforts on youth ages 10-17 of all genders, races, ethnicities and other demographics who reside or attend school in Randolph and Washington Counties. Needs: Area youth use alcohol and tobacco at rates much higher than their peers based on the Illinois Youth Survey data and key informant interviews. Youth moved from 3.4% reporting 30-day alcohol use in 6th grade to 42.4% reporting in 12th grade. Between 8th and 10th grades, the use of alcohol more than doubles. Youth consensus is that alcohol use is talked about beginning in middle school and is common by 8th grade. The use of electronic cigarettes/vaping has incrementally become a significant concern for youth in the service area, of which more females are using these products due to the appearance of vaping being more feminine while smoking is more masculine. Strategies/Activities: Goal 1: Recruit sector volunteers; establish 10 new partnerships in priority sectors and 5 high school prevention teams. Assess/develop coalition training plan to address prevention topics including 7 Strategies for Community Change. Evaluate and improve operating procedures to increase functional capacity. Goal 2: Create prevention messaging campaign; develop prevention website; host Teen Summit. Recruit 2 schools to deliver and assess prevention programming. Coordinate school prevention services with school counselors; deliver Catch My Breath, deliver 5 MHFA/5 teen MFHA trainings; develop 3 Life Savers peer teams; host 4 drug free alternative activities; create positive messaging with student governm
ent/clubs. Educate alcohol and tobacco retailers on youth substance use; create recognition plans for compliance checks and server training. Educate retailers on underage sale consequences and develop a compliance incentive system. Conduct environmental scan, and engage/plan with event planners and alcohol distributors regarding signage. Assess local alcohol and tobacco misuse and control policies, draft revisions and facilitate implementation. Engage law enforcement regarding social hosting, develop actions plans to address. Goals/Objectives: DFC Goal 1: Increase community collaboration. Objective
1: By end of year 6, form 10 new community partnerships & increase sector collaborations as indicated by coalition meeting minutes. Objective 2: By end of year 6 increase sector representative’s prevention knowledge & skills as indicated by pre & post training evaluation. Objective 3: By end of year, six evaluate coalition operating procedures & committee structure, develop improvements, obtain approval by full coalition & implement improvements. DFC Goal 2: Reduce youth substance abuse. Objective 1: Reduce 30-day use of alcohol by 3% by 2026 as measured by student survey. Objective 2: Reduce 30-day use of nicotine via e-cigarettes by 3% by 2026 measured by student survey. Outcomes: Short-term: Improved knowledge regarding patterns of youth substance use. Improve knowledge of coalition efforts to address youth substance use in the community. Increase the capacity of local agencies and organizations to address youth substance use. Intermediate Term: Reduce factors in the community that increase the risk of substance use. Decrease the ease, ability, and opportunity for youth to access substances. Increase the promotion of factors that minimize the risk of substance use. Long Term: Establish and strengthen collaboration among community members and organizations to address youth substance use. Reduce substance use among youth and over time reduce substance
use among adults.