Coalition for McKinney Drug Free Youth CMDFY serves McKinney, Texas, a community of 190000 residents located 32 miles north of Dallas. The goals are to strengthen collaboration among CMDFYs partner organizations to prevent and reduce youth substance use, reduce substance use among youth over time, and promote factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse. The demographics of the community: ranks as the 17th largest city in Texas with a fast rate in growth, from 132,000 to 2010, to 190,000 today. The median age is 33. The racial composition of the population is 74.8% White, 10.5% Black, 0.7% Native American, 4.1% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, and 3.1% reporting two or more races. The public-school system is the McKinney Independent School District with over 24,500 attending one of the 20 elementary schools, five middle schools or three high schools.
The Coalition will achieve its goals, strategies, and objectives by the following:
Goal One: Increase community collaboration.
Objective 1: By 10/15/2020, increase the number of youth ages 12-18 participating in CMDFY from four to ten as measured by sign in sheets and meeting minutes.
Objective 2: By 10/15/2020, increase the number of adult community volunteers participating in CMDFY from 25 to 50, as measured by sign in sheets from designated events.
The strategies are: Provide information to students on impact of substance abuse on schools, community and peers. Link with existing student groups to create events that support a drug-free lifestyle. Host a community-wide kickoff event. Host a community-wide kickoff event. Partner with parent groups to increase parent engagement and participation in school activities.
Goal Two: Reduce youth substance use.
Objective 1: By 10/15/2020, students in McKinney, Texas will demonstrate a 10% decrease in 30-day alcohol and marijuana use reported by 7th to 12th grade students as measured by the Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use.
Objective 2: By 10/15/2020, at least 80% of students in grades 7th to 12th in the McKinney Independent School District will report that alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use is dangerous on the Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use.
Objective 3: By 10/15/2020, students in McKinney will demonstrate a 10% decrease in 30-day alcohol use reported by 7th to 12th grade students as measured by the Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use.
The strategies are: Provide information, support and treatment to students and their families for alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use. Implement and enforce Social Host Ordinance (SHO).
The number of people to be served annually is 100,000 and 500,000 throughout the lifetime of the project. The project will benefit the community and youth by strengthening community collaboration and reducing youth substance use.