Bridges Healthcare, Inc. (Bridges) and the Milford Prevention Coalition (MPC) propose to implement the Community Alcohol Prevention Program (CAP) in West Haven, Connecticut. The services will be delivered to middle and high school students and their parent/guardian through the implementation of successful environmental strategies to create a West Haven Prevention Coalition (WHPC), reduce alcohol use and binge drinking, and to utilize a data driven approach to insure the effectiveness of the initiatives.
Bridges and MPC have successfully collaborated over the past nine years to develop and implement a successful, comprehensive substance use prevention program in Milford, Connecticut. This has included a robust coalition with enthusiastic leadership and committees that participate in planning and decision-making.
The interventions include freshman and senior forums focused on issues related to substance use and life transitions, billboard messaging in partnership with community businesses, events that partner with the local police department (compliance checks, drug take back days, liquor retail forums), TIPS training, community and school speakers and events, and a significant social media presence on several platforms. Bridges and MPC plan to utilize the lessons learned over the past several years, while continuing our data driven approach, and to begin a similar process in our neighboring city of need.
West Haven is a diverse city with a population of 54,792 with a racial breakdown of 4% Asian, 23.3% African American, 36.3% Hispanic or Latino, and 33.4% Caucasian. The City of West Haven has significant fiscal challenges and is under the oversight of the CT Municipal Accounting Review Board to prevent bankruptcy. There are two major liquor distributors in the City, and there have been no local substance use prevention initiatives since the D.A.R.E. program was discontinued. The CAP plan is to reinstate and transform the substance use prevention programming in West Haven to meet the goals described earlier, to engage stakeholders, and to reduce self-reported 30-day use of alcohol by 40% by the conclusion of the project. Bridges and MPC will create a comprehensive and sustainable initiative that will meet the needs of the community and the population of focus. During the course of the project 12,000 youth, caregivers, and stakeholders will be served directly and indirectly on an annual basis, while 54,000 will be served by the end of the project period.