WellSpring Community Network, based out of Long Beach, Washington is applying for STOP Act funds to reduce underage alcohol use. The population of focus is youth aged 10-20 years old in the catchment area. For universal strategies included in our plan, all youth within the identified age range will be served while targeted interventions will serve youth with specific risk factors. The geographic catchment area includes the small communities of Chinook, Ilwaco, Long Beach, and Ocean Park, Washington, which collectively make up the 28 mile-long, 3-mile-wide Long Beach peninsula. The goals of the project include: Prevent alcohol use among students at OBSD. Measured by: 30-day use at 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grades. Reduce by 10 % across all grade levels, baseline: 5%, 9%, 23%, and 26% of 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders, and increase average age of initiation from age 14 to age 15 by end of grant, reduce alcohol abuse among 10th and 12th graders at OBSD by 15% as measured by rates of binge drinking within past two weeks (baseline: 9% for 10th and 17% for 12th), improve community collaboration to better respond to underage alcohol use. Our objectives include: By March 2023, increase opportunities for prosocial involvement among OBSD 8th graders from 65% to 75%, by June 2023, decrease social/retail access to alcohol from 53% to 45% (measured by % of high schoolers responding that alcohol is “easy” or “very easy” to get on HYS), increase perception of risk of harm from underage alcohol use among OBSD 8th and 10th grade students by 20% (current baseline is 45% for 8th graders and 44% for 10th graders). By June 2023, increase perception of OBSD 10th graders that alcohol rules/laws are enforced in school and community (increase from 28% to 40%). By June 2023, increase perception of OBSD 10th graders that alcohol rules/laws are enforced in school and community (increase from 28% to 40%), By 2023, increase perception of peer disapproval of underage alcohol use among 12th graders from 32% to 41% and Solicit feedback from at least 75 parents, youth, and other community partners per year regarding the work of the coalition and use feedback to inform and update coalition action plan.