Located in northern New Jersey approximately ten miles outside of New York City,
Passaic City is home to 69,633 residents, making it the 16th largest municipality in the state.
With a large population and a small, three-square mile geographic footprint, Passaic City is the
tenth most densely populated municipality in the United States.
A rich hub of diversity, the population of Passaic City is 73.4% Hispanic, 15.7% White,
and 7.6% Black. Three-quarters of residents speak a non-English language as nearly 40% are
foreign born, with Mexico, Peru, and the Dominican Republic being the most common countries
of origin. A relatively young population, the median age is 30.5 years – only eight percent are
over the age of 65 (American Community Survey, 2021). Passaic City is home to one of the
largest Orthodox Jewish communities in NJ, as well as a large Roman Catholic population.
An economically challenged community with an unemployment rate of 5.7%, the median
household income is $49,436 and the overall poverty rate is 25.3%. Residents are significantly
underinsured, more than half (51.147 %) using public health coverage exclusively and 25.9% of
residents living without any health insurance (American Community Survey, 2021).
One-third of Passaic City residents are under the age of 18. Despite the fact that only 67.5%
of resident adults are high school graduates, education is viewed as a necessity in this
community. Passaic City has 17 public elementary and middle schools, one public high school,
two parochial, one charter, one collegiate, one mesivta (Jewish secondary school for boys), and
three yeshiva schools.
As illustrated by a number of demographic markers, Passaic City’s children are particularly
vulnerable to the health issues associated with low socio-economic status, including substance
use. The poverty rate of those under 18 is 29.6% and is much higher than the city’s overall
poverty rate. Under half (44%) of children live in single-parent households and (46.2%) of
children in Passaic City live in households receiving Supplemental Security Income, cash public
assistance income, and/or Food Stamp/SNAP. The North Jersey Health Collaborative’s
SocioNeeds Health Index (2021), ranks Passaic City at 96.2 out of 100, placing Passaic City in
the highest need bracket.
The prevalence of substance use, including high alcohol, e-cigarettes and marijuana use,
among youth in Passaic City is facilitated by several factors, including easy access to these
substances, cultural traditions that tolerate and even encourage youth use, as well as gang
violence and early gang initiation. Ever-present fears about immigration status and economic
deterioration impact families in Passaic City as parents struggle to supervise, bond, and foster
values with their children.
The Passaic City Coalition aims to reduce youth substance use and increase collaboration
among community members in the City of Passaic, New Jersey. Twelve community sector
representatives are involved in planning and implementing drug prevention initiatives, such as,
enforcement of local laws, educating parents and youth, providing data and skills trainings,
resource directory development, local data collection, prevention message development,
community forums, social media development, outreach and education with merchants, youth
leadership trainings, school policy review/development, among others. The need to continue
substance use prevention initiatives in Passaic City is extensive, as described in this proposal.