The mission of Salmon Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (SSAPCO) is to promote a healthy environment that decreases youth substance abuse through education, empowerment and healthy alternatives. SSAPCO is comprised of 12 different sectors that come together to address community needs through community collaboration. Its focus is the prevention and reduction of youth substance misuse and, over time, reduced substance use among adults. SSAPCO’s ultimate goal is to become a change agent in the lives of community members to help bring about healthier beliefs, perceptions, knowledge and behavior regarding substance abuse.
SSAPCO serves Salmon, Idaho, a community of 3,190, city, and 8,162, county. The Strategic Planning Framework process is used to develop an action plan and to help find local solutions to its local problems. SSAPCO’s activities are recovery-oriented, trauma-informed and equity-based. A comprehensive approach is used in creating its strategies through the seven strategies of community change. It will provide information through media campaigns, newsletters and presentations; build skills through trainings, parenting classes and responsible beverage server training; provide support, including, alternative activities for the high school students, support underserved youth at the Teen Center and provide parent support tips through newsletters and social media; enhance access and reduce barriers by providing a Prevention Specialist at the high school, offering a safe space with free activities at the teen center and support a Senior Sober Graduation event; change consequences through improving the enforcement of underage drinking and DUI, community Shoulder Tap operations, and encouraging school consequences with an education component; alter physical design with a summer party patrol for the foothills, encouraging law enforcement at student events and placing Be The Parent Banners and information at key events; modify and change policy by encouraging enforcement and upgrades to school substance misuse policies to include education component, and designate a section of family bleachers with ATOD signs and beer gardens.
SSAPCO works with 12 different sectors of the community. School District #291, the Lemhi County Sheriff’s Department, City Police Department, Lemhi County 4-H, Steele Memorial Medical Center and Lemhi County Probation are a few of the key partners that are essential to the coalition’s operation. The religious, business, local government, parents, media and civic organizations have all supported the Drug-Free Youth, the Teen Center and other coalition efforts.
SSAPCO’s most important partner is Salmon High School’s Drug-Free Youth (DFY). DFY not only plans alternative activities such as the New Year’s movie night, or Halloween Glow Dance, but it also is key in planning substance abuse prevention projects such as The Mannequin Challenge and Photo Voice. The Drug-Free Youth exemplify a drug-free lifestyle and demonstrate the benefits of living a drug-free life.
As Salmon’s community and youth become partners in prevention, beliefs and norms will
change and the community of Salmon will move closer to realizing its vision of becoming a
vibrant, healthy community, free of substance misuse.