SUMMARY: Through the Arbor Coalition Drug-Free Communities Project, Coalition members will implement evidencebased environmental prevention strategies to increase community capacity and decrease rates of youth and adult use
of alcohol and marijuana. The population of focus encompasses youth age 12-18 in the City of Ukiah, located in rural
northern California. Ukiah residents enjoy one of the finest settings of any smaller city in California, and the city has been
ranked #1 best small California town. However, Ukiah is also known for its cannabis culture, with seven active cannabis
dispensaries and visible marijuana use at community events. The number of homeless students in Ukiah increased
dramatically in 2017, when wildfire struck two nearby communities, leaving 545 families homeless. The county's rate
of substantiated child abuse in 2018 was 19.4/1,000, almost triple the statewide rate of 7.2/1,000. Socially, Ukiah is
diverse, an amalgam of urban professionals, fifth generation sheep and cattle ranchers, a strong faith community, and
people living off the grid in the surrounding hills. Children from very different home environments sit side by side in
Ukiah classrooms. Arbor Coalition members will participate in environmental prevention trainings and carry out a media
campaign to increase community awareness of the risks associated with youth use of marijuana and alcohol. Project
strategies include: GOAL ONE: Increase community collaboration Strategy 1. Offer capacity building opportunities and
trainings to Coalition members. Strategy 2. Increase collaborative links and activities with community partners. Strategy
3. Increase youth advocacy and leadership skills. Strategy 4. Share information about environmental prevention, local
trends in youth substance use, and Coalition activities with the community. GOAL TWO. Reduce youth substance use.
Strategy 1. Educate youth and adults on risks and hazards related to youth use of marijuana and alcohol. Strategy 2.
Identify locations, conditions, and situations that foster youth marijuana use. Strategy 3. Provide trauma-informed support
for youth who have marijuana-related challenges. Strategy 4. Reduce access to alcohol by organizing safe and sober
alternative activities and events for youth. Strategy 5. Through advocacy, work to decrease youth access to alcohol in the