Project Name: Georgia Plant Hope Project
The Georgia Plant Hope project will empower Georgia youth to build hope for the future and counter the stigma surrounding mental health and suicide prevention. Through safe, consistent messaging around suicide, clinical and community-based resources, resiliency building skills and tangible tools, youth will become advocates for their own mental health.
The project will target youth, ages 10 to 24, in Newton, Rockdale, Meriwether and Carroll counties, as well as students under age 24 on the campus of Clark Atlanta University. The four target counties selected all have suicide death rates that meet or exceed the state and national average for youth suicide deaths. At the start of the project, community needs assessments will be conducted in each identified county to identify county specific areas of focus, including populations at increased risk. The project will plan to reach 2,000 youth ages 10-24 annually with an expected 10,000 youth to be reached by the end of the 5-year grant period.
Strategies/Interventions: Through training, outreach, and implementation of evidence-based practices, the Georgia Plant Hope project will build infrastructure and increase the suicide specific continuum of care that will reduce the burden of suicide mortality and non-fatal suicide attempts among youth ages 10-24 in four targeted counties and one university campus. The two community service boards, Pathways Center CSB and Viewpoint Health, providing services in the identified counties will be responsible for the implementation of clinical services. Pathways Center CSB and Viewpoint Health will hire a Zero Suicide in Healthcare licensed clinician to oversee development and integration of clinical suicide prevention efforts. A peer support specialist will also be hired to incorporate suicide centered lived experience into all services as well as enhance current recovery services. Proposed evidence-based practices will include Question, Persuade, Refer Gatekeeper Training; Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths-Mental Health; The Adult Needs and Strengths Assessment; Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale; Stanley Brown Suicide Safety Plan Intervention; Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicide and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention.
Project Goals and Measurable Objectives: The 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and the 2020-2025 Georgia State Suicide Prevention Plan provide a framework to guide a coordinated approach to suicide prevention efforts. Georgia Plant Hope project goals are:
Goal 1: Increase the capacity of schools and communities to prevent suicide and related behaviors among students through the implementation of evidence-based upstream prevention programs and education.
Goal 2: Promote coordinated, consistent, and safe messaging around suicide prevention targeting youth ages 10-24 with a focus on youth disproportionately affected by suicide.
Goal 3: Enhance the integration of suicide prevention into all treatment and crisis care services for youth ages 10-24 through increased collaboration and accountability among hospitals, crisis centers and community-based providers.
Goal 4: Provide care and support to youth affected by suicide death and attempts to promote healing and implement community strategies to reduce the prevalence of suicide and suicide related behaviors among youth aged 10-24.