Summary: The Rocky Boy Health Center Native Connections Project will implement comprehensive and culturally relevant strategies (outreach, implementation of a culturally-adapted evidence-based curriculum, traditional healing practices, and coordinated referral and follow-up care) designed to prevent and reduce suicidal behavior and substance abuse, reduce the impact of trauma, and promote mental health among American Indian youth on the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation.
Project Name: Rocky Boy Health Center (RBHC) Native Connections
Population to be served: American Indian (AI) youth through the age of 24 years who reside on the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation.
Strategies/Interventions: Tier One: Universal Prevention Strategies: RBHC currently conducts limited, informal community outreach through local media outlets. The RBHC Native Connections Project will implement a culturally-informed comprehensive formal outreach campaign which will be focused on substance abuse prevention, increasing public awareness of suicide, and reducing stigma surrounding behavioral health disorders. Tier Two: Selective and Targeted Prevention Strategies: Tier two strategies are traditional healing practices (e.g., sweats, ceremonies, and Tribal specific practices). Tier Three: Indicated Prevention Strategies: Coordinated referral and follow-up care will be provided and guided by the protocols and procedures developed during the year one planning process.
Goals and Objectives: The goal of the RBHC Native Connections Project is “to prevent and reduce suicidal behavior and substance misuse, reduce the impact of trauma, and promote mental health among youth (ages 24 or younger) on the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation.” To achieve this goal, we have developed the following measurable objectives:
Objective 1: By the end of six months, RBHC will conduct one (1) Community Needs Assessment and one (1) Community Readiness Assessment focused on addressing suicide prevention, substance abuse prevention, and behavioral health disorders on the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation.
Objective 2: By the end of the first year, RBHC will review and revise the current postvention protocols to ensure coordination of care and intervention among youth serving agencies.
Objective 3: By the end of nine months, the RBHC will develop (year one) and implement (years two through five) one (1) tribal strategic action plan that will address the three (3) tiers of prevention and intervention strategies: Universal Prevention Strategies, Selective and Targeted Prevention Strategies, and Indicated Prevention Strategies.
Over the course of the entire project, project staff will be working with youth the entire project period to promote mental health and reduce substance misuse.
Number of people to be served: At least 125 (tier one, unduplicated count) per year; 625 (tier one) over the life of the project; 100 (tier two) per year; 500 (tier two) over the life of the project; 75 (tier three) per year; 375 (tier three) over the life of the project.