The Osage Nation Si-Si A-Pe-Txa (Healing Place in Osage Language) strives to provide the best preventative and treatment care within our service area. Many Osage and American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth within our Osage reservation struggle with behavioral health, substance use/misuse, and suicidal ideology and associated behaviors related to trauma impacts. The Osage Nation Prevention program strives to reach youth within the Osage reservation to provide services that help protect our youth from these issues and ancillary issues related to substance use/misuse, by addressing such issues consistently and specifically structured to target multiple communities, while recognizing the unique needs of each individual community. The Osage Nation Prevention program has an impeccable reputation throughout the Osage reservation, specifically partnering with schools we serve, which affords our program the commitment, confidence and trust of the people. A highly successful model we previously implemented in Native Connections Cohorts 1 and 5 is the introduction of culturally appropriate approaches and activities in the proposed project. Through prior Native Connection funding, we were able to achieve goals for suicide prevention and substance use/misuse prevention among the AI/AN residing in the Osage reservation. We continue following the proven approach, the successful path of assisting our youth, while addressing the generational trauma and other risk factors that come with today’s health disparities facing Osage and all American Indian youth across Indian Country.
If funded, the Osage Nation Si-Si A-Pe-Txa Prevention department will continue to build on previous successes in offering youth programming through Native Connections Cohorts 1 and 5, while implementing the proposed goals:
Goal 1: Assess the infrastructure of local school districts in the Osage Nation service area to support the continued education, prevention and reduction of suicidal behavior and substance use/misuse among AI/AN youth.
Goal 2: Strengthen the capacity of local school districts to actively support school-based activities for the prevention and reduction of suicidal behavior and substance use/misuse among AI/AN youth.
Goal 3: Implement revised strategic action plan.
Goal 4: Increase family participation in efforts that address youth suicide prevention and substance misuse.
To support our program with fulfilling our project’s purpose of preventing and reducing suicidal behavior and substance use/misuse, reducing the impact of trauma, and promoting mental health among the American Indian and Alaska Native youth up to and including age 24 in our service area, we are requesting $250,000 per year over a five (5) year project period, for a total requested amount $1,250,000 for five (5) years.