"System of Care Supports for Youth Crisis Interventions" ("SOC Supports") is a project by Elkhart County, IN through its sub-recipient,
Oaklawn Psychiatric Center and its system of care, The SOURCE, to expand its infrastructure, collaborations, and programming to
support successful transitions from crisis to stability for children and youth through their involvement in Oaklawn's Mobile Response
Stabilization Services (MRSS).
"SOC Supports'" mission is to enhance Elkhart County's youth crisis care continuum serving children and youth ages 6-21 with, or at
risk for, serious emotional disturbance. Recognizing that well-crafted transitions are a key to stability following crisis, Elkhart County
proposes to expand its system of care's infrastructure and capacity to support successful implementation of the model and achieve
expected outcomes. This includes the build-out of intensive home and community-based services in the stabilization and transition
phases of MRSS. The build-out of the system will involve mental health services, community supports, and the infrastructure to develop
it. Since we know stabilization components in MRSS may continue beyond the immediate crisis needs, depending on youth and/or
family preferences, and clinical and functional needs of the family system, an expanded services continuum into which to nest the mobile
response is vital.
Throughout the life of the project, “SOC Supports” proposes to serve 400 youth averaging 100 annually.
Our goals for “SOC Supports” include:
(1) To provide access to crisis and stabilization services through an MRSS model integrated across child/youth serving systems;
(2) To expand the system of care's focus to support youth with multiple system involvement;
(3) To create a group of empowered and educated youth and family members to inform and drive MRSS;
(4) To provide access to services for youth without a funding source for mental health services;
(5) To increase the county's capacity to prevent youth suicides;
(6) To impact disparities in service access;
(7) To increase "transition to adulthood" services for youth across the county.