The Start Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) will provide comprehensive, coordinated, person- and family-centered behavioral health care to children, youth, and families in need of support recovery for serious mental illness (SMI); substance use disorder (SUD) including opioid use; serious emotional disturbance (SED); cooccurring mental and substance disorders (COD); and to individuals experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis regardless of an individual’s place of residence, ability to pay, or age. The CCBHC will address the behavioral health disparities of specific populations including Veterans and people experiencing homelessness. The CCBHC will serve Assumption, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Mary, and Terrebonne parishes in the Bayou Region of Louisiana. The total population of the seven-parish service area is 469,438 and 2.2% identify as American Indian/Native Alaskan; 0.9% Asian; 23.7% Black or African American; 6.3% Hispanic or Latino; 55.2% White; and 4.9% two or more races. There are 63,394 individuals living below the poverty line in the service area and 22,998 are uninsured. The service area is home to 17,623 Veterans. There are 4,731 homeless individuals in the service area. Start will enhance and expand outreach, screening, assessment, early intervention, comprehensive treatment, care coordination, and recovery support services for all individuals in the service area. The following table identifies the program goals and measurable objectives.
Goal 1: Increase access to and availability of behavioral health and substance use services for individuals across the lifespan for the population of focus.
Objective 1.1: By month 3, hire project staff to enhance behavioral health and substance use crisis services; screening & assessment; treatment; outpatient primary care screening; outpatient mental health and substance use services; case management; rehabilitation & recovery supports; and peer support.
Objective 1.2: By month 5, complete staff training on using EBPs that address the needs of the individuals the CCBHC serves; follow the staff training plan for annual refresher training throughout the funding period.
Goal 2: Support recovery from mental health and substance use disorder challenges via comprehensive community-based mental and substance use disorder treatment and supports.
Objective 2.1: Provide evidence-based treatment & comprehensive supportive services for 250 individuals in Year 1; 400 in Years 2; 700 in Year 3; and 1,000 in Year 4 for a total of at least 2,350 individuals.
Objective 2.2: By month 6, ensure that a mental health screening is embedded into the FQHC primary care visit.
Goal 3: Continually work to measure and improve the quality of services.
Objective 3.1:By month 2, develop a CCBHC-wide data-driven Continuous Quality Improvement (QCI) plan for clinical services and clinical management; implemented beginning month 4.
Objective 3.2: Develop a Data Collection Plan & partnership logic model by month 3. Begin collecting and tracking encounter, outcome, and quality data by month 4.
Goal 4; Meaningfully involve people with lived experience of mental and substance use conditions, individuals who have received/are receiving services from the clinic, and family members in their own care and the broader governance of the CCBHC.
Objective 4.1: Complete a community needs assessment by month 6 and a follow-up by month 42 that will integrate input from consumers and family members into the assessment using feedback from client surveys and the CCBHC Board.
Objective 4.2: Conduct recruitment of CCBHC Board members following CCBHC Certification Criteria 6.B: Governance Option 1 beginning month 1. Commence quarterly CCBHC Board meetings month 6.
Objective 4.3: Develop a comprehensive, person-centered Individualized Treatment Plan (ITP) that includes needs, strengths, abilities, preferences, and goals, expressed