The Harris Center seeks to transform our existing CCBHC system by expanding and improving on a comprehensive range of outreach, screening, assessment, treatment, and care coordination for underserved communities and populations within greater Houston, Texas that have experienced: 1. Barriers in outpatient behavioral health treatment resources for underserved children and adult populations and communities; 2. Poor access to integrated health screening and treatment for high-risk adults and children with complex co-morbid conditions; and 3. Iniquities and disparities in social determinants of health that are drivers of poor health and behavioral health outcomes within undeserved communities and populations.
Underserved Communities and Population to Be Served: 1. Adults and children with SED, SMI, SUD who are appropriate for outpatient treatment services delivered from a comprehensive CCBHC system of care. 3. Adults and children with co-occurring substance use disorder and serious mental illness. Extrapolating data from the Harris Center's existing participant population an target communities indicates an estimated 85% of participants will be low-income persons of color (<200% of poverty), with equal shares of male and female; 10% will identify as LGBTQI; and 75% will be between the ages of 25 and 45.
Strategies/ Interventions: 1. Expand provision of comprehensive, quality-focused, patient-centered, outreach, enrollment, and coordinated comprehensive behavioral health care to underserved communities and populations with SED, SMI, and SUD needs. 2. Enhance community outreach efforts for the identified population by partnering with faith-based organizations and neighborhood communities and social agencies in targeted underserved areas. 3. Expand outpatient treatment of substance use disorders or co-occurring disorders by introducing clinic-based individual counseling, group counseling, medication management, and case management. 4. Increase the availability of outreach care coordination in underserved communities and populations to address social determinants of health disparities, assist with resource navigation and enhance retention in care. 5. Conduct risk stratification and trauma screenings to inform treatment plans within underserved populations and communities. 6. Respect and incorporate participant voice, cultural and ethnic needs, strengths, and social determinants of health needs into all services and treatment planning.
Project Goal and Objectives: Goal: Improve and Advance the Harris Center's existing CCBHC care model and narrow treatment and care gaps in underserved communities and populations by increasing outreach and access to care to underserved communities and populations. Objective A. Increase access to CCBHC comprehensive services to underserved communities and populations. Objective B. Increase access to integrated outpatient treatment of co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. Objective C. Increase outreach efforts and the availability of care coordination to address the social determinants of health, assist participants with resource navigation and enhance retention in care. Objective D. Implement measurement-based care processes in all clinics.
Number of People to Be Served in the 4-year period: 4,800 children and adults will receive comprehensive CCBHC services: 750 children and adults receive crisis care; 4,800 adults and children receive outreach and case management; 4,800 adults and children receive social determinants of health social support services, food and nutrition, recovery support, peer support, and/or employment or housing connections.