Allegan County Community Mental Health Services dba OnPoint via the CCBHC-IA program (O-CCBHC) proposes continued improvement of access and increased capacity to community-based mental health and substance use disorder treatment and support. These services would be offered to the population of focus for individuals across the lifespan: (1) mild to moderate or serious mental illness, (2) substance use disorders inclusive of co-occurring conditions, and (3) serious emotional disorders; with focus on the uninsured, underinsured, veterans, homeless, or otherwise without access to care. These services, inclusive of 24/7 crisis, will be delivered to anyone in the service area who needs it; regardless of ability to pay or place of residence. This project will address the identified needs of access to mental health and substance use treatment, poor health outcomes, and limited behavioral health providers.
Access to mental health and primary care services for individuals living in Allegan County is generally difficult, however, the target population faces even greater adversity with the specific services suited to their conditions. The O-CCBHC project will extend the reach and impact of services for local accessibility. Over the life of the grant, O-CCBHC is committed to serving 1050 individuals (200 in year 1, 250 in year 2, 300 in year 3, 300 in year 4). The first goal of the project is to increase the capacity of O-CCBHC to provide access to evidence-based behavioral health care for uninsured and underinsured adults, children, and families in Allegan County. Measurable objectives include: A) By 9/30/24, O-CCBHC will increase access capacity for un- and under-insured adults, children, and families by no less than 30%. B) By 9/30/24, no less than 30% of access will be same day access. C) By 9/30/24 O-CCBHC will demonstrate 85% compliance with CCBHC 24/7 crisis response standards. D) By 3/31/24, O-CCBHC will onboard 2.0 FTE peer outreach specialists to identify and engage the target population. E) By 12/31/23, clinicians embedded in the O-CCBHC housing department will provide community-based behavioral health access, screening, and assessment for homeless and precariously housed individuals. The second goal of the project is to increase evidence-based behavioral health services for un- and under-insured adults, in Allegan County through O-CCBHC. Measurable objectives include: A) By 9/30/24, O-CCBHC will increase provision of evidence-based behavioral health services to un- and under-insured adults, children, and families in Allegan County by no less than 35%. B) By 9/30/25, all O-CCBHC clinicians will be trained to fidelity in no less than an average of 3 identified EBPs. The third goal of the project is to strengthen the continuum of substance use prevention and treatment services to decrease the impact of substance use in the lives of individuals and families in Allegan County. Measurable objectives include: A) By 9/30/24, O-CCBHC will serve no less than 50 individuals through recovery management services. B) By 9/30/24, O-CCBHC will increase community-based delivery of SUD treatment services by no less than 35%. C) By 9/30/24, O-CCBHC will engage no less than 50 adults in evidence-based SUD prevention services. D) By 9/30/24, O-CCBHC will increase medication assisted treatment capacity by 25%. The O-CCBHC project will also augment OnPoint's evidence-based practice capacity to support the ongoing service needs for those who are uninsured and underinsured. Performance measures will be managed through the quality infrastructure to support the service array. Consumers will be meaningfully involved in the governance of O-CCBHC and their own care. This project will assist in the development and continuation of state demonstration.