As a qualified local government behavioral health authority and SAMHSA provider with 55 years of proven expertise serving the populations of focus in North Mississippi, the North Mississippi Commission on Mental Illness/Mental Retardation dba Communicare and Designated Collaborative Organizations (DCOs) will transform and advance it CCBHC, by expanding access to integrated coordinated behavioral and primary healthcare. NAME: CCBHC-IA. POPULATIONS SERVED: All individuals across the lifespan who are in need of behavioral health services, including those with SMI; individuals with SUD, including opioid use disorder; children and youth with SED; individuals with COD; and individuals experiencing a mental health or substance us related crisis; and members of the armed forces/veterans/families. Health care access will be prioritized for racial, ethnic, and LBGTQIA+ underserved minorities: 50% male; 49% female; 1% transgender; 50% African American; 2% Hispanic/Latinx; 1% multiracial; 2% veterans/armed forces; 2% HIV+/Hepatitis+ and 45% COD. STRATEGIES: 1) Improve access to care providing a comprehensive range of outreach, screening, assessment, treatment, care coordination, and recovery supports based on a needs assessment with fidelity to the CCBHC Certification Criteria; 2) Support recovery from mental illness and/or substance use disorders by providing access to high-quality mental health and substance use services regardless of an individual's ability to pay or residence; 3) Enhance crisis response with use of standardized screening and quality measures; 4) Use a trauma-informed approach, standardized instruments and symptom rating scales to advance treatment and integrated care; 5) Advance person-centered treatment planning with peer recovery supports, and care coordination; 6) Implement measurement-based care to drive clinical decision-making and inform quality improvement strategies; 7) Create a sustainability plan to ensure financial autonomy; and 8) Ensure CCBHC Accountability Board governance. EBPs: Motivational Interviewing (MI); Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT); Measurement-based care (MBC); Medications for Opioid Use Disorders (MOUD); Rx for Change: Clinician-Assisted Tobacco Cessation; Seeking Safety; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT); Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT); Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR); ACT; Long-Acting Injectables-Medical Evaluation/Management; Peer Recovery-Oriented Support Services; and Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP). GOALS: 1) Advance Health Equity and Expanded Access to Care Across the Lifespan; 2) Expand Peer Recovery Oriented Care; 3) Provide Person-Centered Care; 4) Measure Quality Care; 5) Ensure Collaborative Consumer Leadership; 6) Provide Whole-Person Care. OBJECTIVES: 1) 100% timely submission of Disparities Impact Statement, Needs Assessment, and CCBHC Attestation; 2) Increase DCOs by 5% annually; 3) 100% accurate diagnosis and access to person-centered treatment; 4) 80% report high perception of care; 5) 51% consumer involvement in board governance; 6a) 100% will receive physical health measurements and physical examinations; 6b) 100% will receive evidence-based behavioral health services; 6c) 80% will improve mental health functioning; 6d) 80% will reduce substance use; 6e) 80% will improve employment status; 6f) 55% will improve housing stability; 6g) 75% will reduce use of emergency room services; and 6h) 55% will reduce inpatient psychiatric admissions. NUMBERS SERVED: 150 in Years 1-4 = 600 total.