Sacramento Native American Health Center (SNAHC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit Urban Indian Organization (UIO) and Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) established in 2006. SNAHC’s service area includes 19 zip codes with a total population of 575,882 residents and 38,000 AI/AN in Sacramento County. SNAHC serves over 12,000 patients per year, approximately 30% of which are American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN). SNAHC anticipates doubling its patient population and provide access to over 24,000 individuals per year by opening a second site in 2023, further establishing SNAHC as the largest-serving UIO. SNAHC’s vision for a Sacramento Native Connections Program is to focus on three levels of prevention activities to reduce impacts of trauma, risk for suicide, and any existing silos of uncoordinated care across partner organizations for AI/AN within Sacramento County. The program will also promote mental health among urban American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth 0-24 and their families. SNAHC will employ multiple methods towards engaging partners and community. Goals of the program include: Complete Preliminary and Ongoing Organizational Assessment, Planning, and Procedure Development; Implement Universal Prevention Strategies (Tier 1) to Promote Cultural Connectedness and Prevent Mental Health and Suicide Concerns among Youth; Engage in Selective and Targeted Prevention Strategies (Tier 2) to Intervene with At-Risk AI/AN Youth; Implement Clinical Intervention (Tier 3) with AI/AN who have Additional Mental Health or Substance Use Needs; Complete Reporting and Evaluation.